Human-Animal Interactions

Sébastien ROQUES

Post-doctorant – CNRS



 I’m a quantitative ecologist working on various aspects of bird migration (stopover ecology, linking demographic processes with migratory strategies, data integration to infer migratory birds space-use etc.).


Research project: Projet MIGRATLANE – Under the supervision of Aurélien Besnard.


Contact information

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About me

After a PhD thesis on the estimation of stopover duration and the determinants of departure probability from a stopover site, I joined La Tour du Valat institute as a postdoc to work on the influence of migratory strategy on the ageing of the Greater flamingo. After two years of self-employment as a naturalist, I’m now back into academic research at the CEFE-CNRS for the MIGRATLANE project.


Project outline

I’m currently working on the MIGRATLANE project which aims to integrate multiple data sources (counts, radar, acoustic, telemetry) to uncover bird migration patterns over the French part of the North-east Atlantic Ocean.



For a list of publications see Researchgate profile :
Or Google scholar profile :