Human-Animal Interactions


Post-doctorante – CNRS

Maud photo


I am a quantitative ecologist interested in the spatio-temporal dynamics of species, particularly seabirds, using various modelling techniques (capture-recapture, integrated population model, density surface modelling, etc.).


Research projects: Project OWFSOMM, Project MIGRATLANE.


Contact information

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Orcid: 0000-0003-0060-4704
Twitter / X: maudqueroue
Github: maudqueroue
CEFE, 3ème étage aile C, bureau 303


About me

After a master's degree in modelling for ecology, followed by a PhD on the development of integrated multi-species population models to understand interspecific interactions in birds, I am currently working on research related to the development of offshore renewable energies:

Project OWFSOMM - Offshore wind farm surveys of marine megafauna: standardisation of tools and methods for monitoring at farm scales. I'm currently working on the WP2 "Intercalibration of aerial monitoring methods of marine megafauna".

Project MIGRATLANE - Large-scale multi-source data acquisition and modelling to characterise the use of the North-East Atlantic Arc by birds and bats. I'm currently working on the WP6 "Combined analysis of different data sources (telemetry, acoustic, radar, counts)".


Bio (Background, employment)

  • 2024 - 2026. Postdoc. Large-scale multi-source data acquisition and modelling to characterise the use of the North-East Atlantic Arc by birds (CEFE, Montpellier). Encadrement Aurélien Besnard (CEFE).
  • 2022 - 2023. Postdoc. Intercalibration of visual aerial survey and digital aerial survey of marine megafauna (CEFE, Montpellier). Aurélien Besnard (CEFE), Matthieu Authier (PELAGIS), Karine Heerah (FEM).
  • 2019 - 2021. PhD. Taking account of interspecific interactions in the study of bird population dynamics using integrated multispecies integrated multispecific models. (Université de Montpellier). Encadrement.Olivier Gimenez (CEFE), Pierre-Yves Henry (MNHN), Christophe Barbraud (CEBC).
  • 2017-2018. Master Modélisation pour l’Ecologie (Université de Rennes 1).


(Co) Supervision of students

  • Eve Brunelle 2023, L3, 5 mois (co-encadrement Aurélien Besnard).
  • Lise Viollat 2021, M2, 6 mois (co-encadrement Christophe Barbraud).

