Human-Animal Interactions
Roger PRADEL - Peer reviewed publications
- Published: 21 July 2011
Article Index
Journal articles (last 5 years)
Antica Culina, Danielle Marie Linton, Roger Pradel, Sandra Bouwhuis, David Macdonald. Live fast, don't die young: Survival–reproduction trade‐offs in long‐lived income breeders. Journal of Animal Ecology, Wiley, 2019, 88 (5), pp.746-756. ⟨10.1111/1365-2656.12957⟩. ⟨hal-02125696⟩
Simone Tenan, Giacomo Tavecchia, Daniel Oro, Roger Pradel. Assessing the effect of density on population growth when modeling individual encounter data. Ecology, 100(3), 2019, e02595. ⟨10.1002/ecy.2595⟩. ⟨hal-02104959⟩
Chris Oosthuizen, Martin Postma, Res Altwegg, Marie Nevoux, Roger Pradel, Marthán N. Bester, P. J. Nico de Bruyn. Individual heterogeneity in life‐history trade‐offs with age at first reproduction in capital breeding elephant seals. Population Ecology, Springer Verlag, 2019, ⟨10.1002/1438-390X.12015⟩. ⟨hal-02177472⟩
Dorine Jansen, Roger Pradel, Rafael Mares, Claire Doutrelant, Claire Spottiswoode, Rita Covas, Res Altwegg. 2019. An integrated population model sheds light on the complex population dynamics of a unique colonial breeder. Population Ecology, Springer Verlag, In press, ⟨10.1002/1438-390X.12010⟩. ⟨hal-02161587⟩
Dimas Gianuca, Stephen C. Votier, Deborah Pardo, Andrew G. Wood, Richard B. Sherley, Louise Ireland, Remi Choquet, Roger Pradel, Stuart Townley, Jaume Forcada, Geoffrey N. Tuck, Richard A. Phillips. Sex‐specific effects of fisheries and climate on the demography of sexually dimorphic seabirds. Journal of Animal Ecology, Wiley, 2019, ⟨10.1111/1365-2656.13009⟩. ⟨hal-02161559⟩
Loreleï Guéry, Lauriane Rouan, Sébastien Descamps, Joël Bêty, Albert Fernández-Chacón, Grant Gilchrist, Roger Pradel. Covariate and multinomial: Accounting for distance in movement in capture–recapture analyses. Ecology and Evolution, Wiley Open Access, 2019, 9 (2), 818-824. ⟨10.1002/ece3.4827⟩. ⟨hal-02104964⟩
Tamar Lok, Chris Hassell, Theunis Piersma, Roger Pradel, Olivier Gimenez. Accounting for heterogeneity when estimating stopover duration, timing and population size of red knots along the Luannan Coast of Bohai Bay, China. Ecology and Evolution, Wiley Open Access, 2019, 9 (11), pp.6176-6188. ⟨10.1002/ece3.5139⟩. ⟨hal-02161561⟩
Chris Oosthuizen, Roger Pradel, Marthan Bester, P J Nico de Bruyn. Making use of multiple surveys: Estimating breeding probability using a multievent‐robust design capture–recapture model. Ecology and Evolution, Wiley Open Access, 2019, 9 (2), 836-848. ⟨10.1002/ece3.4828⟩. ⟨hal-02104952⟩
Sanz-Aguilar, A., R. Pradel, and G. Tavecchia. Age-dependent capture-recapture models and unequal time intervals. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 2019, 42 (1), 91-98. ⟨hal-01911556⟩
Bancila, R. I., R. Pradel, R. Choquet, R. Plaisu, and O. Gimenez. 2018. Using temporary emigration to inform movement behaviour of cave-dwelling invertebrates : a case study of a cave harvestman species. Ecological Entomology (2018), 43 (5), 551–559. DOI: 10.1111/een.12645
Cayuela, H., R. Pradel, P. Joly, E. Bonnaire, and A. Besnard. 2018. Estimating dispersal in spatiotemporally variable environments using multievent capture–recapture modeling. Ecology, 99 (5), 1150 - 1163. ⟨10.1002/ecy.2195⟩. ⟨hal-01797399⟩
Dupont, P., D. Allainé, A. Cohas, and R. Pradel. 2018. Testing determinants of the annual individual fitness: an overall mean mixture model for de-lifing data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9(3): 668–680. ⟨10.1111/2041-210X.12908 ⟩. ⟨hal-01911550⟩
Gimenez, O., J. Lebreton, R. Choquet, and R. Pradel. 2018. R2ucare: An R package to perform goodness-of-fit tests for capture-recapture models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(7): 1749-1754. ⟨hal-01911548⟩
Groner, M. L., J. M. Hoenig, R. Pradel, R. Choquet, W. K. Vogelbein, D. T. Gauthier, and M. A. M. Friedrichs. 2018. Dermal mycobacteriosis and warming sea surface temperatures are associated with elevated mortality of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay. Ecology and Evolution, 8(18): 9384-9897.
Jeyam, A., R. S. McCrea, and R. Pradel. 2018. A test of positive association for detecting heterogeneity in capture for capture-recapture data. JABES 23(1):1–19. ⟨hal-01911549⟩
Maris, V., P. Huneman, A. Coreau, S. Kéfi, R. Pradel, and V. Devictor. 2018. Prediction in ecology: promises, obstacles and clarifications. Oikos 127:171–183.
Pluntz, M., S. Le Coz, N. Peyrard, R. Pradel, R. Choquet, and P. Cheptou. 2018. A general method for estimating seed dormancy and colonization in annual plants from the observation of existing flora. Ecology Letters 21:1311–1318.
Simon, J. A., R. Pradel, D. Aubert, R. Geers, I. Villena, and M.-L. Poulle. 2018. A multi-event capture-recapture analysis of Toxoplasma gondii seroconversion dynamics in farm cats. Parasites & Vectors 11:339. ⟨10.1186/s13071-018-2834-4⟩. ⟨hal-01911552⟩
Cayuela, H., R. Pradel, P. Joly, and A. Besnard. 2017. Analyzing movement behavior and dynamic space-use strategies among habitats using multi-event capture-recapture modeling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8(9):1124–1132.
Fluhr, J., H. Strøm, R. Pradel, O. Duriez, G. Beaugrand, and S. Descamps. 2017. Weakening of the subpolar gyre as a key driver of North Atlantic seabird demography: a case study with Brünnich’s guillemots in Svalbard. Marine Ecology Progress Series 563:1–11.
Guéry, L., S. Descamps, R. Pradel, S. A. Hanssen, K. E. Erikstad, G. W. Gabrielsen, H. G. Gilchrist, and J. Bêty. 2017. Hidden survival heterogeneity of three Common eider populations in response to climate fluctuations. Journal of Animal Ecology 86(3):683–693.
Hoenig, J. M., M. L. Groner, M. W. Smith, W. K. Vogelbein, D. M. Taylor, D. F. J. Landers, J. T. Swenarton, D. T. Gauthier, P. Sadler, M. A. Matsche, A. N. Haines, H. J. Small, R. Pradel, R. Choquet, and J. D. Shields. 2017. Impact of disease on the survival of three commercially fished species. Ecological Applications 27(7):2116–2127.
Lagrange, P., O. Gimenez, B. Doligez, R. Pradel, D. Garant, F. Pelletier, and M. Bélisle. 2017. Assessment of individual and conspecific reproductive success as determinants of breeding dispersal of female tree swallows: a capture-recapture approach. Ecology and Evolution 7(18):7334–7346.
Manna, F., R. Pradel, R. Choquet, H. Fréville, and P.-O. Cheptou. 2017. Disentangling the role of seed bank and dispersal in plant metapopulation dynamics using patch occupancy surveys. Ecology 98(10):2662–2672.
Pardo, D., J. Forcada, A. G. Wood, G. Tuck, L. Ireland, R. Pradel, J. P. Croxall, and R. Phillips. 2017. Additive effects of climate and fisheries drive ongoing declines in multiple albatross species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(50): E10829-E10837.
Cézilly, F., A. Quinard, S. Motreuil, and R. Pradel. 2016. Adult survival selection in relation to multilocus heterozygosity and body size in a tropical bird species, the Zenaida dove, Zenaida aurita. Oecologia 180(1):127–136.
Payo-Payo, A., M. Genovart, A. Bertolero, R. Pradel, and D. Oro. 2016. Consecutive cohort effects driven by density-dependence and climate influence early-life survival in a long-lived bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283(1829):20153042.
Péron, G., J.-M. Gaillard, C. Barbraud, C. Bonenfant, A. Charmantier, R. Choquet, T. Coulson, V. Grosbois, A. Loison, G. Marzolin, N. Owen-Smith, D. Pardo, F. Plard, R. Pradel, C. Toigo, and O. Gimenez. 2016. Evidence of reduced individual heterogeneity in adult survival of long-lived species. Evolution 70(12):2909–2914.
Perrot, C., A. Béchet, C. Hanzen, A. Arnaud, R. Pradel, and F. Cézilly. 2016. Sexual display complexity varies non-linearly with age and predicts breeding status in greater flamingos. Scientific Reports 6:36242.
Tavecchia, G., S. Tenan, R. Pradel, J.-M. Igual, M. Genovart, and D. Oro. 2016. Climate-driven vital rates do not always mean climate-driven population. Global Change Biology 22:3960-3966.
Vogt-Schilb, H., R. Pradel, P. Geniez, L. Hugot, A. Delage, F. Richard, and B. Schatz. 2016. Responses of orchids to habitat change in Corsica over 27 years. Annals of Botany 118(1):115–123.
Acker, P., A. Grégoire, M. Rat, C. N. Spottiswoode, R. E. van Dijk, M. Paquet, J. C. Kaden, R. Pradel, B. J. Hatchwell, R. Covas, and C. Doutrelant. 2015. Disruptive viability selection on a black plumage trait associated with dominance. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28(11):2027–2041.
Dupont, P., R. Pradel, S. Lardy, D. Allainé, and A. Cohas. 2015. Litter sex composition influences dominance status of Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota). Oecologia 179(3):753–763.
Hernández-Matías, A., J. Real, F. Parés, and R. Pradel. 2015. Electrocution threatens the viability of populations of the endangered Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) in Southern Europe. Biological Conservation 191:110–116.
Mouquet, N., Y. Lagadeuc, V. Devictor, L. Doyen, A. Duputié, D. Eveillard, D. Faure, E. Garnier, O. Gimenez, P. Huneman, F. Jabot, P. Jarne, D. Joly, R. Julliard, S. Kefi, G. J. Kergoat, S. Lavorel, L. Legall, L. Meslin, S. Morand, X. Morin, H. Morlon, G. Pinay, R. Pradel, F. M. Schurr, W. Thuiller, M. Loreau, S. Kéfi, G. J. Kergoat, S. Lavorel, L. Le Gall, L. Meslin, S. Morand, X. Morin, H. Morlon, G. Pinay, R. Pradel, F. M. Schurr, W. Thuiller, and M. Loreau. 2015. Predictive ecology in a changing world. Journal of Applied Ecology 52(5):1293–1310.
Sanz-Aguilar, A., R. Jovani, C. J. Melián, R. Pradel, and J. L. Tella. 2015. Multi-event capture-recapture analysis reveals individual foraging specialization in a generalist species. Ecology 96(6):1650–1660.
Souchay, G., G. Gauthier, J. Lefebvre, and R. Pradel. 2015. Absence of difference in survival between two distant breeding sites of greater snow geese. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(4):570–578.