Human-Animal Interactions
- Published: 11 April 2016
Our team devotes itself to the development and application of quantitative methods in Population Biology. In order to better account for multiple spatial and temporal scales, we made our the adage that "there is no population dynamics without model".
Calling upon models is necessary as well in a management and population conservation perspective (wolf, lynx, wild boar, cormorant, albatross, …) as in an evolutionary perspective for, e.g., studying trade-offs, quantifying a response to selection, or describing the patterns of senescence (black-headed gull, flamingo, roe deer, blue tit…).
Our thematics revolve aroung 4 main axes :
1 - Use of individual following in evolutionary biology (capture-recapture) : Survival, Recruitment and population growth rate | Multisite, multistate, multievent, and state space models | Individual variation | Random effects and mixture models
2 - Models of population dynamics : Stochastic extinction models | Spatialized models | Evolution of dispersal | Evolutionary demography | Animal population management
3 - Biology of subdivided populations : Biology of the Forez black-headed gull population | Spatialized recruitment | Habitat selection in a spatially and temporally heterogeneous environment | Flows of individuals
4 - Sofware development in population dynamics : Workshops | Estimation and inference of demographic parameters | Accounting for uncertainties | Hidden Markov Models. Downloadable software.