Workshop “Evolutionary genomics for plant models and crops"


Aline Muyle will take part as a lecturer in the Biopolis Workshop "Evolutionary genomics for plant models and crops", taking place in Porto, Portugal, from 13 to 17 May 2024.



The Master interns we are hosting as of January 2024

We have the pleasure to currently host the following Master interns:

  • Jules Teyssèdre is an M2 IDIL student in Applied Ecology and Evolutionary Science at Montpellier. He is doing his internship under the supervision of Philippe Jarne. The topic is to disentangle the underlying forces behind the dynamics of a freshwater snails metacommunity in Martinique.
  • Salome Xheneumont is doing a four-months internship in a gap year from Montpellier SupAgro (Master level). She will study the role of biological invasions in biological community building: the case of freshwater communities in the French Antilles, under the supervision of Philippe Jarne and Patrice David.
  • Matéo JARRY is a Master 1 IDIL student in ecological and evolutionary sciences of the University of Montpellier. His internship is supervised by Stéphanie BEDHOMME. He is working on the phenomenon of phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation of Escherichia Coli in saline environments.

Mathilde LATRON

Ingénieure de Recherche / Chargée de mission CBNMed

Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5

tél :         +33 4 67 61 32 80
fax:         +33 4 67 41 06 16

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Mathieu UHL

PhD Student with Pierre-André Crochet.



Aile C, bureau 214

1919, route de Mende

34293 Montpellier 5

Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 32 31

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Mots clés (par ordre alphabétique) : Biologie des organismes, Biologie évolutive, Biologie moléculaire, Biologie végétale, Composés organiques volatils, Écologie, Génétique des populations, Génotypage, Microsatellites, Mycologie, Phylogénie, Phylogéographie.

Read more: Virginie MOLINIER

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