• Nicolas Courbin

    NCourbinChercheur postdoctoral / Postdoctoral researcher

    J'étudie les mécanismes de la répartition spatiale des grands herbivores, des grands carnivores et des oiseaux marins dans le but d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les interactions prédateur-proies (jeu spatial prédateur-proie, stratégie d'alimentation, stratégie de recherche des prédateurs, stratégie anti-prédatrice des proies) et d'améliorer les mesures de gestion et de conservation de la faune.

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  • Oksana GRENTE


    Post-doctorante – CNRS & OFB


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    @oksanagrente (twitter)


    My profile lies at the interface between scientific research and management in the field of ecology. My subjects of study mainly concern ecology of large predators (wolf, jaguar, lynx) but also of fauna linked to agriculture landscapes (Eurasian hamster, bee). The tools I use are derived from biostatistics and mainly from modelling: point process methods, individual-based modelling, spatial capture-recapture, occupancy, kernel density estimation.

  • Olivier DURIEZ

    olivier duriez 2017Maitre de conférences à Université de Montpellier

    J’étudie les mécanismes comportementaux liés au mouvement, gouvernant l'utilisation de l’habitat et leurs conséquences sur la dynamique des populations chez les oiseaux. J’utilise une approche intégrative de la biologie de la conservation, à l’interface avec l’écologie comportementale, physiologie et écologie des populations.

    I study behavioural mechanisms related to movement, driving habitat use and their consequences on population dynamics in birds. I am using an integrative approach of conservation biology, at the interface with behavioural ecology, physiology and population ecology

    tél : 33 (0)4 67 61 33 02
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  • Olivier GIMENEZ


    CNRS senior scientist (directeur de recherche CNRS)

    Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, UMR 5175
    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

    Tel. : +33 (0) 4 67 61 32 64
    Fax : +33 (0) 4 67 61 33 36

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    Keywords: Biostatistics, Demography, Modelling, Conservation Biology, Human-wildlife interactions
    Website: https://oliviergimenez.github.io/













  • Roger PRODON

    altDirecteur d'Etude Emerite (EPHE)

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    tél : +33 4 67 61 33 43

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    Thématiques : Incendies ou brûlages,  dynamique du paysage, et faune : écologie des perturbations et conservation.


  • Samuel CARO

    CNRS ResearcherWhatsApp Image 2022 06 09 at 17.51.51 copy

    Head of the Behavioural Ecology team

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

    Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 33 08
    Fax : +33/0 4 67 61 33 36
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    Bureau 208

  • Sarah BAUDUIN

    Chargée de Recherche Grands Carnivores –
    Office Français de la Biodiversité

    Sarah Bauduin



    I use my modeling and data analysis skills to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of wolf and lynx populations in France to improve their conservation and management. Examples of projects on these species are: reduction of lynx-vehicles collisions, landscape management impacts, modeling of wolf demography, occupancy analysis, population and individual monitoring (e.g., camera traps, genetic analyses), impact of wolf legal killings on the population, prey-predator interactions. I also have strong skills in individual-based modeling.


    Contact information

    Département Dynamique et Conservation de la Biodiversité
    Équipe Interactions Humains Animaux
    Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive
    Campus du CNRS. 1919, route de Mende.
    34293 Montpellier 5


    Direction de la Recherche et Appui Scientifique
    Service Conservation et Gestion des Espèces à Enjeux
    Office Français de la Biodiversité
    147, avenue de Lodève.
    34990 Juvignac
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..fr


    Orcid: 0000-0002-3252-5894
    Web pagehttps://www.sarahbauduin.fr/


    CNRS Researcher, Team Leader 'Landscape Dynamics and Biodiversity'alt

    Current Research

    I work to reveal how animals perceive and adjust to their environment, and why this matters for populations and ecosystems. My model of choice: large herbivores. Because you can (relatively) easily monitor their behaviour in natura, and they have important ecosystem effects. Some have high societal and economical values, so my research sometimes matter beyond basic science. We (as humans) are making the world's climate different. How this affects organisms in the hottest applied ecological question. I do my share to bring an answer to it

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    tél : +33 (0) 467 61 33 02
    fax: +33 (0) 467 61 33 36

    simon.chamaille -[at]- cefe.cnrs.fr


  • Simon LACOMBE

    PhD candidate – Université de Montpellier



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    PHD project:What are the drivers of European otter recolonization in France? Making the best of non-invasive sampling with statistical ecology.


    Supervisors: Olivier Gimenez (CEFE-CNRS), Sébastien Devillard (LBBE)



    Project outline

    The aim of my PhD is to study the recolonization of the European otter (Lutra lutra), which has been taking place in France for over a decade. My research mostly focuses on the spatial dimension of recolonization with three main objectives.

    First, I am building distribution models that integrate both protocol-based data from a national monitoring plan and opportunistic data to map the species’ range expansion. I will then investigate how this expansion is favoured or hindered by habitat characteristics and landscape connectivity.

    In the same time, I am studying how to include alternative sampling strategies like environment DNA in the monitoring plan for this species, using a case study in several catchments near Montpellier.

    Finally, using sequencing data from scats collected in several areas, I am using capture-recapture methods to compare the socio-spatial organization of otters – home range size, sex-ratio, individual turnover – in their core range and in the colonisation front.



    • AMÉLINEAU, Françoise, TARROUX, Arnaud, LACOMBE, Simon, et al. Multi‐colony tracking of two pelagic seabirds with contrasting flight capability illustrates how windscapes shape migratory movements at an ocean‐basin scale. Ecography, 2023, p. e06496.
    • LACOMBE, Simon, IMS, Rolf, YOCCOZ, Nigel, et al.Effects of resource availability and interspecific interactions on Arctic and red foxes' winter use of ungulate carrion in the Fennoscandian low-Arctic tundra. In preprint.



  • Thierry CHAMBERT

    photo Thierry page web

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    My research interests lie at the interface between population dynamics, quantitative ecology, conservation and life history evolution. I mostly focus on empirical work, on wild animal populations, but I also do some methodological development and a bit of theoretical work.