CEFE- RDC, Aile B, bureau 3


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    My research is framed around a comparative exploration of the role of multiple environmental drivers in shaping species distributions and diversity at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Most of my research is structured on the combined use of ecoinformatics methods (statistical analysis of large data sets) and naturalist expertise to understand empirical patterns of community composition in space and time. My main active axes of research include :  

    - functional biogeography of seabirds in the Southern ocean. I try to explain and predict the composition of seabird assemblages with spatial models calibrated with environmental factors, trophic interactions and species traits. The project relies on a large-scale bird counts protocol from ships and statistical model of multiple data types. See the C-BIRDS project and thesis.

    -  understanding spatial patterns of vertebrates distributions and assemblage compositions. Relying on various opportunistic or protocoled data sources at multiple spatial scales, I investigate the determinants of spatial patterns in vertebrate distributions and assemblage composition through spatial models based on proxies of historical and contemporary processes. See for instance he MALPOLONdatabase.

    - Ecoacoustics and community ecology. Several active projects focus on the relationship between bird community composition and the characteristics of soundscapes at multiple spatial and temporal scales, in order to explore the acoustic environment in which species interact and its changes with current land-use and climatic dynamics. See the ACOUCENEproject (2022 - 2025, FRB/CESAB)


    Most of my interactions with biodiversity stakeholders are focused on data analysis to answer questions relative to the monitoring of human impacts on biodiversity at a regional or landscape scale.

    - Ecological data analysis. I am involved in initiatives to foster interactions between scientific and non scientific stakeholders with respect to data-based ecological monitoring and expertise. See the website of the CISSTATnetwork. 

    - Analysis of land use influences on common bird assemblages in southern France. I investigate the impact of land use and habitats on the temporal dynamics of local bird assemblages with opportunistic and protocoled data (collaborations with the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux - PACA). 

    - Wildlife road casualties. I work with the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux and the CEREMA to explain and predict spatial patterns in road casualites. We exploit jointly multiple sources of protocoled, non-protocoled and citizen science data to identify mortality hotspots and explanatory factors, with the final aim to inform public policies on the mitigation of traffic impact on vertebrates. See the final report of the COCPITT project (2020-2023).

     - Interacting imprints of climate change and land use on biodiversity. Using multiple taxa and scales, I investigate how species' responses to historical and present land use change interact with their responses to climate change. See the LANDBIO project (2022 - 2023, OFB - french ministry of ecology)



    Most of my teaching activity is embedded within the program of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.

    - Data analysis for ecologist : a three-weeks course dedicated to biodiversity stakeholders, framed on the practical use of statistical methods and the R software in ecological monitoring. 

    - Environmental law and policy : I drive a one-week course to introduce environmental public policies to scientific ecologists, involving speakers from various authorities and decision levels and practical training to improve students' written and verbal interactions with non-scientific stakeholders.

    - Methods for ecological monitoring : a two-weeks course with Aurélien Besnard, mainly dedicated to master students and biodiversity stakeholders, to improve their skills and critical thinking in advanced numerical methods for ecology, including species distribution modeling, population dynamics, sampling design and analysis of diversity indices.

    - Environmental changes and ecological science :I contribute to several courses on global changes and environmental monitoring. My teaching is focused on the interactions between science and society through several lenses including epistemology and governance / spatial planning.


  • Jeremy LARROQUE



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    Projet: effets du paysage sur la diversité génétique et les flux de gènes chez le Lièvre variable, le Lièvre d’Europe et le Lagopède alpin, dans les Alpes françaises.



  • Jérôme CORTET

    Jérôme Cortet

    Professeur(Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III)

    Tél : +33 (0) 4 67 14 23 15

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  • Johanne NAHMANI

    Chargée de recherche (CR1) 


    Responsable de l’équipe BIOFLUX

    Campus du CNRS

    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5
    tel:+33 (0)4 67 61 32 43
    fax:+33 (0)4 67 41 33 36

    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



    Mots clés : 

    Macroinvertébrés du sol, Diversité, Rôle fonctionnel (Structuration des sols, Décomposition des litières), Perturbations anthropiques et changements globaux, Traits biologiques, écologiques et fonctionnels

  • Julien Renoult

    Chargé de Recherche CNRS / CNRS Research Scientist


    Section 26 CNRS - Brain, Behavior & Cognition

    email: julien[dot]renoult[at]cefe[dot]cnrs[dot]fr

    P8120477 copie

    Julien RENOULT

    CEFE-CNRS, 1919 route de Mende

    34293 Montpellier 5 FRANCE

    Last update: June 9th 2024


    GO DIRECTLY TO:  Who am I?Main research projectsPublications


    Postdoc Opportunity: 18 months starting May 2025: Generative AI for Studying the Influence of Habitats on the Diversification of Bird Color Patterns. Applications and more information here: [PDF


    Research areas

    - evolution and diversification of animal color patterns 

    - evolutionary & computational aesthetics (aesthetic theory of efficient processing applied to artworks, plants and animals)

    - processing bias (sparse coding, efficient categorization)

    - models of animal vision (colour vision, pattern recognition)

    - proximate mechanisms of mate choice

    - Methods: Artificial intelligence for neuroscience and evolutionary ecology


    Who am I?

    I am an evolutionary biologist, cognitive scientist and naturalist. My main objective is to understand how do evolve complex and extravagant visual signals such as the eyespots of the peacock, the danse of the birds of paradise, and some artworks in humans. My research hypothesis is beauty. Using approaches of empirical psychology, computational neuroscience, artificial intelligence and philosophy of aesthetics, my goal is to identify the biological mechanisms underlying the beauty judgment in order to develop mechanistic models that predict this judgement. I then transfer these models to other animals to understand how beauty influences behaviors and, ultimately, the evolution of communication signals in nature.

    I am also working on methods to characterize visual phenotypes, with applications in community ecology, evolutionary biology and systematics. I am particularly interested in how to use artificial intellgience to describe visual phenotypes and to model animal vision.

    I am also conducting or participating to several research projects in ornithology (mostly on searbirds) and ichthyology (fish, and in particular gobies, of the Northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean region). 


    Main research projects

    WildCom-AI (ANR 2020-2024) - Artificial Intelligence for Studying Communication in Wild Animals (PI: J Renoult)
    Darters (NSF 2020-2024)- Pattern preferences, information theory, and the evolution of signal design (PI: T Mendelson & J Renoult) 

    CBIRDS (2024-2027)-Monitoring climate change impacts on Antarctic biodiversity.  (PI: JY Barnagaud.)


    POMAR (2023-) Phylogenetics and taxonomy of sand gobies Pomatoschistus spp.. (PI: E Delrieu-Trottin & J Renoult)


    Publications (* equal contribution)

    Visual ecology & evolution

    ARIAS, M., BEHRENDT, L., DRESSLER, L., RAKA, A., PERRIER, C., ELIAS, M., GOMEZ, D., RENOULT, J.P., TEDORE, C. (2024). Testing the equivalency of human “predators” and deep neural networks in the detection of cryptic moths. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. In press.

    SILVA, N. J., FERREIRA, A. C., SILVA, L. R., PERRET, S., TIEO, S., RENOULT, J. P., COVAS, R., & DOUTRELANT, C. (2024). A deep learning approach to detect and visualize sexual dimorphism in monomorphic species. bioRxiv, 2024-10.

    HÉJJA-BRICHARD, Y. H., RAYMOND, M., CUTHILL, I. C., MENDELSON, T. C., & RENOULT, J. P. From natural to sexual selection: Revealing a hidden preference for camouflage patterns. bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.27.559753

    HÉJJA-BRICHARD, Y., MILLION, K., RENOULT, J. P.*, & MENDELSON, T. C.* (2024). Using neural style transfer to study the evolution of animal signal design: A case study in an ornamented fish. Ecological Informatics,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102881

    HEJJA-BRICHARD, Y., RENOULT, J., & MENDELSON, T. (2024). Comparative analysis reveals assortative mate preferences in darters independent of sympatry and sex. Ecology & Evolution14(10), e11498.

    TIEO, S., DEZEURE, J., CRYER, A., LEPOU, P., CHARPENTIER, M. J., & RENOULT, J. P. (2023). Social and sexual consequences of facial femininity in a non-human primate. Iscience, 26(10).

    BYBEE, S.M., FUTAHASHI, R., RENOULT, J.P., SHARKEY, C., SIMON, S., SUVOROV, A., WELLENREUTHER, M. (2023). Transcriptomic insights into Odonata ecology and evolution. In Dragonflies and Damselflies, 2nd Ed. (CORDOBA-AGUILA, A., BEALTY, C.D., BRIED, J.T.). Oxford University Press. [Book chapter] [PDF]

    CHARPENTIER, M.J.E, POIROTTE, C., ROURA-TORRES, B., AMBLARD-RAMBERT, P., WILLAUME, E., KAPPELER, P.M., ROUSSET, F., RENOULT, J.P. (2022) Mandrill mothers associate with infants who look like their own offspring using phenotype matching. Elife. 11, e79417

    LANGLOIS, J., GUILHAUMON, F., BALETAUD, F., CASAJUS, N., […], RENOULT, J.P., […], MOUQUET, N. (2022). Global mismatch between the aesthetic value of reef fishes and their conservation priorities. Plos Biology20(6):e3001640.

    HULSE S.V., RENOULT, J.P., MENDELSON T.M. (2022). Using deep neural networks to model similarity between visual patterns: application to fish sexual signals. Ecological Informatics67:101486 [PDF]

    CHARPENTIER M.J., HARTE M., POIROTTE C., DE BELLEFON J.M., LAUBI B., KAPPELER P.M., RENOULT J.P. (2020). Same father, same face: deep-learning reveals paternally-derived signalling of kinship in a wild primate. Science Advances. 6, eaba3274. [PDF]

    DUFOUR P., GUERRA CARANDE J., RENAUD J., RENOULT J.P., LAVERGNE S., CROCHET P.-A. (2020). Plumage colouration in gulls responds to their non-breeding climatic niche. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 29: 1704-1715. [PDF]

    JOFFARD N., LE RONCE I., LANGLOIS A., RENOULT J.P., BUATOIS B., DORMONT L., & SCHATZ B. (2020). Floral trait differentiation in Anacamptis coriophora: phenotypic selection on scents, but not on colour. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 33: 1028-1038.

 GREGOIRE A., CROCHET P.-A., COVAS R., DOUTRELANT C. (2020). Examining the link between relaxed predation and bird colouration on islands. Biology Letters. 16: 20200002.

    FERREIRA A.C., SILVA L.R., RENNA F., BRANDL H.B., RENOULT J.P., FARINE D.R., COVAS R., DOUTRELANT C. (2020). Deep learning-based methods for individual recognition in small birds. Methods in Ecology & Evolution. 11: 1072-1085.

    DE SOLAN T., RENOULT J.P., GENIEZ P., DAVID P., & Crochet P.A. (2020). Looking for mimicry in a snake assemblage using deep learning. The American Naturalist. 196: 74-86. [PDF]

    HULSE S.V., MENDELSON T.C.*, RENOULT J.P.*. (2020). Sexual signals of fish species mimic the spatial statistics of their habitat: evidence for processing bias in animal signal evolution. Nature Communications. 11: 1-8. [

    RENOULT J.P., KELBER A., SCHAEFER H.M. (2017). Colour spaces in ecology and evolutionary biology. Biological Reviews. doi: 10.1111/brv.12230 [PDF]

    BINKENSTEIN J., STANG M., RENOULT J.P., SCHAEFER H.M. (2017). Weak correlation of flower color and nectar-tube depth in temperate grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology. 10 : 397-405

    DOUTRELANT C., PAQUET M., RENOULT J.P., GREGOIRE A., CROCHET P.-A., COVAS R. (2016). Worldwide patterns of bird colouration on islands. Ecology Letters. 19: 537-545.

    RENOULT J.P., VALEUR B. (2015). Les couleurs de la vie – Mécanismes de production, fonctions et diversité. L’Actualité Chimique. 397-398 : 12-18.

    RENOULT J.P., BLÜTHGEN N., BINKENSTEIN J., WEINER C.N., WERNER M., SCHAEFER H.M. 2015. Linking community to sensory ecology: the relative importance of color signaling for plant generalization in pollination networks. Oikos. 124: 347-354. [PDF]

    RENOULT J.P., VALIDO P., JORDANO P., SCHAEFER M. (2014). Adaptation of flower and fruit colours to diversified mutualists. New Phytologist201: 678-686. [PDF]

    RENOULT J.P., THOMANN M., SCHAEFER H.M., CHEPTOU P.-O. (2013). Selection on quantitative colour variation in Centaurea cyanus: the role of the pollinator’s visual system. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26: 2415-2427.

    RENOULT J.P., COURTIOL A., SCHAEFER H.M. (2013). A novel framework to study colour signaling to multiple species. Functional Ecology. 27: 718-729. [PDF]

    BINKENSTEIN J., RENOULT J.P., SCHAEFER H.M. (2013). Increasing land-use intensity decreases floral colour diversity and changes composition of plant communities in temperate grasslands. Oecologia173: 461-471.

    RENOULT J.P., SCHAEFER H.M., SALLE B., CHARPENTIER M.J.E. (2011). The evolution of the multicoloured face of mandrills: insights from the perceptual space of colour vision. PlosOne, 6:e29117.

    SCHATZ, B., DELLE-VEDOVE, R., RENOULT, J.et al. (2011). Couleur de fleur d’orchidées et insectes. Le Courrier de la Nature. 260 : 24-36.

    RENOULT J.P, COURTIOL A., KJELLBERG F. (2010). When assumptions on visual system evolution matter: nestling colouration and parental visual performance in birds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 23:220-226


    Cognitive science/Computational neuroscience/Empirical Aesthetics

    TIEO, S., BARDIN, M., BERTIN-JOHANNET, R., DIBOT, N., MENDELSON, T. C., PUECH, W., & RENOULT, J. P. (2024). Comparing activation typicality and sparsity in a deep CNN to predict facial beauty. Computational Brain & Behavior  [PDF]

    DIBOT, N. M., TIEO, S., MENDELSON, T. C., PUECH, W., & RENOULT, J. P. (2023). Sparsity in an artificial neural network predicts beauty: Towards a model of processing-based aesthetics. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(12), e1011703 [PDF]

    TIEO, S., RESTREPO-ORTIZ, C. X., ROURA-TORRES, B., SAUVADET, L., HARTÉ, M., CHARPENTIER, M. J., & RENOULT, J. P. (2023). The Mandrillus Face Database: A portrait image database for individual and sex recognition, and age prediction in a non-human primate. Data in Brief47, 108939.

    BELTZUNG, B., PELE, M., RENOULT, J.P., SUEUR, C. (2023). Deep learning for studying drawing behavior: A review. Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 992541.

    BELTZUNG, B., PELE, M., RENOULT, J.P., SUEUR, C. (2022). Using artificial intelligence to analyze non-human drawings: A first step with Orangutan productions. Animals. 12(20): 2761. [PDF]

    RENOULT, J.P. (2022). La Fluence, in Abécédaire de la beauté (éditeurs: ZERNIK, C. & JARICOT, J.). Editions B42. [Book chapter]

    CHARPENTIER, M. J., PELÉ, M., RENOULT, J.P., SUEUR, C. (2021). Social data collection and analyses, in Demographic Methods Across the Tree of Life (ed. Salguero-Gomez, R., Gamelon, M.), pp.53-76 [Book chapter].

    RENOULT J.P. (2019). Book review of "The Aesthetic Animal." Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture. 3: 105-108. [PDF]

    RENOULT J.P., GUYL B., MENDELSON T.C., PERCHER A., DORIGNAC J., GENIET F., MOLINO F. (2019). Modelling the Perception of Colour Patterns in Vertebrates with HMAX. bioRxiv, 552307.

    HOLZLEITNER I.J., LEE A.J., HAHN A.C., KANDRIK M., BOVET J., RENOULT J.P.,... & JONES B.C. (2019). Comparing theory-driven and data-driven attractiveness models using images of real women’s faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 45: 1589.

    RENOULT J.P., MENDELSON T.C. (2019). Processing bias: extending sensory drive to include efficacy and efficiency in information processing. Proceedings of the Royal Society B286: 20190165.

    KAPOULA Z., VOLLE E., RENOULT J.P., ANDREATTA M. (ed.). (2018). Exploring Transdisciplinarity in Art and Sciences. Springer [Edited book]. 

    RENOULT J.P. (2016). The evolution of aesthetics: a review of models. In Aesthetics and Neuroscience: Scientific and Artistic Perspectives, (KAPOULA Z. & VERNET M, ed.). pp. 271-300. Springer International Publishing. [Book chapter].

    RENOULT J.P., BOVET J., RAYMOND M. (2016). Beauty is in the efficient coding of the beholder. Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160027. [PDF]

    CHARPENTIER M.J.E., HUCHARD E., GIMENEZ, O., SALLE, B., KAPPELER P., RENOULT J.P. (2012). Distribution of affiliative behavior across kin classes and their fitness consequences in mandrills. Ethology, 118: 1198-1207.


    Marine biology

    KOVAČIĆ, M., BERGENGER, L., RENOULT, J. P. (2024). Testing of the taxonomic diagnosis of Zebrus pallaoroi Kovačić, Šanda & Vukić, 2021 (Actinopteri: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) on a large sample from the Western Mediterranean. Fishes. 9, 511. [PDF]

    MUCCIOLO, S., DESIDERATO, A., CHRISTIDIS, G., AMMAR, I. A., & ANTIT, M.,..., RENOULT, J.P., …, GEROVASILEIOU, V. (2024). New records of introduced species in the Mediterranean (August 2024). Mediterranean Marine Science25(2).

    DIGENIS, M., AKYOL, O., BENOIT, L., BIEL-CABANELAS, M., ÇAMLIK, Ö. Y., CHARALAMPOUS, K.,... RENOULT, J.P., & GEROVASILEIOU, V. (2024). New records of rarely reported species in the Mediterranean Sea (March 2024). Mediterranean Marine Science25(1), 84-115. [PDF]

    KOVACIC, M., ŠANDA, R., VUKIC, J., RENOULT, J. P., & FALZON, M.-A. (2023). New records of the recently described Pomatoschistus nanus Engin & Seyhan, 2017 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) (early view). Cybium. [PDF]

    RENOULT, J., MENUT, T., RUFRAY, X., LE BRIS, S., IGLESIAS, S. P., LOUISY, P.,... & PRAT, M. (2023). Les poissons cryptobenthiques de la baie d’Agay (Var). Cahiers de la Fondation Biotope39, 58 pages.

    KOVAČIĆ, M., RENOULT, J. P., PILLON, R., BILECENOGLU, M., TIRALONGO, F., BOGORODSKY, S. V.,... & YOKES, M. B. (2023). The delimitation of geographic distributions of Gobius bucchichi and Gobius incognitus (teleostei: Gobiidae). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering11(3), 516. [PDF]

    KOVAČIĆ, M., PILLON, R., RENOULT, J.P. (2022). Identification of enigmatic Mediterranean fish Gobius ater Bellotti, 1988 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) based on morphology from underwater photographs. Journal of Fish Biology, 101: 1381-1384 [PDF]

    RENOULT, J.P., PILLON, R., KOVAČIĆ, M.,  LOUISY, P. (2022). Frontiers in Fishwatching Series: Gobies of the Northestern Atlantic and the Mediterranean – Gobius and ThorogobiusLes cahiers de la fondation Biotope. 237 pages.

    KOVAČIĆ, M., RENOULT, J.P., PILLON, R., SVENSEN, R., BOGORODSKY, S., ENGEN, S., LOUISY, P. (2022). Identification of Mediterranean marine gobies (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae) of continental shelf from photographs of in situ individuals. Zootaxa5144: 1-103.

    IGLESIAS, S. P., BARICHE, M.., …, RENOULT, J.P., …, TOURNIER-BROER, R. (2021). French ichthyological records for 2019. Cybium. 45: 169-188.

    SANTIN A., AGUILAR R., …, RENOULT J.P., …, TIRALONGO, F. (2021) New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (March 2021). Mediterranean Marine Science, 22: 199-217.

    IGLESIAS S. P., BERGOT P., …, RENOULT J.P., …, THOMAS W. (2020). French ichthyological records for 2018. Cybium. 44: 285-307.


    Other (mostly phylogenetics, population genetics and natural history)

    ROCHAS, P., MINOT, M., MEZIERE, N., RENOULT J.P., JUILLERAT, N., URIOT, Q., URIOT, S., FOXONET, H., CERDAN, A. (2022). Check-list of Odonata from French Guiana with notes on their distribution, ecology, and new state records. Odonatologica, 51(3/4) : 175-224.

    RENOULT J.P., DELAHAIE B., DELATTRE J-C., DE FRANCESCHI C. , VEYRUNES F., LE BOT T. (2018). Chumming on multi-day sailing trip in Bay of Biscay. Dutch Birding40:96-98

    CROCHET P.-A., LEBLOIS R., RENOULT J.P. (2015). New reptile records from Morocco and Western Sahara. Herpetology Notes. 8 : 583-588.

    RENOULT, J.P. Arrivée de la Libellule purpurine Trithemis annulata (De Palisot de Beauvois, 1805) dans la vallée du Rhône. (2013). Sympetrum. 17: 81-82. 

    DURANT, E., RENOULT, J.P.(2012). Addition à l’odonatofaune de l’Adrar mauritanien. Poiretia, 2012, 4 : 7-16.

    CHARPENTIER M.J.E., FONTAINE M.C., CHEREL E., RENOULT J.P., JENKINS T., BENOIT L., BARTHES N., ALBERTS SC, TUNG J. (2012). Genetic structure in a dynamic baboon hybrid zone corroborates behavioral observations in a hybrid population. Molecular Ecology, 21:715-731.

    RENOULT J.P., GENIEZ P., BEDDEK M., CROCHET P.-A. (2010). An isolated population of Podarcis vaucheri (Sauria: Lacertidae) in south-eastern Spain: genetic data suggest human-mediated range expansion. Amphibia-Reptilia, 31:287-296.

    KJELLEBERG F., BAKOLIMALALA R., EDMOND R., RAFIDISON V., RABEVOHITRA R., RENOULT J., et. al. (2010). Corridors de végétation et conservation d'un groupe clé de voûte de la biodiversité au centre d'un réseau d'interactions: le cas des Ficus et des communautés associées. in Connaissance et Gestion des Milieux Tropicaux. p80-91. CNRS Edition. [Chapitre de livre].

    RENOULT J.P., GENIEZ P, BACQUET P., GUILLAUME C. P., CROCHET P.-A. (2010). Systematics of the Podarcis hispanicus-complex (Sauria, Lacertidae) II: the valid name of the north-eastern Spanish form. Zootaxa, 2500:58-68

    RENOULT J. (2009). The Sooty Gull, Larus hemprichii (Aves; Laridae), on Nosy Ve: first records for Madagascar. Malagasy Nature, 2:174-176.

    RENOULT J.P., GENIEZ P, BACQUET P., BENOIT L., CROCHET P.-A. (2009). Morphology and nuclear markers reveal extensive mitochondrial introgressions in the Iberian Wall Lizard species complex. Molecular Ecology. 18:4298-4315.

    RENOULT J.P., KJELLBERG F., SANTONI S., KHADARI B. (2009). Cyto-nuclear discordance in the phylogeny of Ficus section Galoglychia and host shifts in plant-pollinator associations. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 9:248.

    RENOULT J.P. & RASELIMANANA A.P. (2009). A new species of Malagasy blind snake of the genus Typhlops Oppel (Serpentes: Typhlopidae). Zootaxa,2290:65-68

    CROCHET P.-A., RENOULT J. (2008). Tarentola annularis annularis (Geoffroy de Saint-Hilaire, 1827) preying on a mammal. Herpetology Notes, 1:58-59.

  • Killian GREGORY

    PhD student – University of Montpellier



    I’m a PhD student interested in animal behaviour and cognition, and how they translate into the spatial and demographic dynamics of populations. During my PhD, I focus on the interplay between individual movements and the dynamics of population networks through two case studies: 1) migratory connectivity and its relationship with the demography of migratory populations; 2) informed dispersal and its implications for the structuring and the stability of larid colonies. Linking individual and population-level processes leads me to draw on methods from both behavioural ecology and population biology.


    Supervisors: Pierre-André CROCHET (DR, CNRS), Aurélien BESNARD (DE, EPHE).


    Contact information

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0316-5041
    CEFE, 2ème étage aile C, bureau 202A

  • Laurent DORMONT



    Maître de conférences, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III


    Mon objectif est de comprendre le rôle et l’importance des odeurs et des médiateurs chimiques dans le fonctionnement et l’évolution des relations plantes-insectes. Je m’intéresse particulièrement aux aspects suivants : quelles sont les caractéristiques des odeurs et des signaux chimiques disponibles pour les insectes ? Quelle est l’activité biologique de ces molécules (réponse comportementale des insectes) ? Dans quelle mesure et à quel(s) niveau(x) ces interactions chimiques jouent un rôle dans le fonctionnement et l’évolution des systèmes plantes-insectes ?

    Courriel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Laurine MATHIEU

    photo Laurine

    Laurine Mathieu - PhD Student 2023/2026

    Supervised by Anne Charmantier (CEFE-CNRS) and Samuel Caro (CEFE-CNRS)


    CNRS - CEFE UMR5175, 1919 Route de Mende, 34283 Montpellier

    Aile B Etage 2 Office 206

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    The objective of this PhD project is to better understand how wild populations of great tits and blue tits are affected by urbanization and what mechanisms are involved in the observed phenotypic differences between urban and forest populations. This study will rely on the long-term population monitoring in urban and forest habitats established in Montpellier (CEFE TIT PROJECT) , as well as on comparative analyses with the city of Paris. The thesis will particularly explore physiological aspects that have not been studied thus far. Given the characteristics of the urban environment, which is more stressful and has higher temperatures, physiological adaptations to urban life are expected to be observed. Variations in the endocrine system between urban and forest environments will be studied, focusing on stress and reproductive hormones. Additionally, aspects of respirometry will be investigated, with the primary question being: do urban birds have a metabolism pre-adapted to high temperatures due to living in an urban heat island effect environment? In a second part, the project aims to dissect how urban phenotypic shifts are driven by genetic change or plasticity. To study this aspect, common garden experiments have been set up. Data from individuals raised under similar environmental conditions can be compared to wild individuals, thus observing whether phenotypic differences between urban and forest habitats are maintained or not.

    More information: ACACIA Project


    • 2021-2023 Master in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution, Ecology, Evolution and Genomics (Lyon 1)
      • 2nd year Master thesis: Genetic architecture and gene expression underlying sexual antagonistics traits in Gerromorpha - IGFL (Lyon) - supervised by Abderrahman Khila
      • 1st year Master thesis: Cognitive abilities in relation to the reproductive success of great tits and ringed flycatchers - LBBE (Lyon)/ Gotland (Sweden) - supervised by Blandine Doligez & Laure Cauchard
    • 2020-2021 Licence in Biodiversity (Lyon 1)
    • 2018-2020 CPGE BCPST (Lyon)


    438115803 1459253968286537 9150852942984776686 n458708480 1181496353128850 1686181633067030743 n457148928 1229882748207558 3270500950074306441 n458720763 445886391830387 4860437783887452466 n





    PhD candidate - Macroecology


    I am a PhD candidate working on macroecology, using citizen science data. Specifically, my PhD project aims to understand the sensitivity of birds to habitat changes.


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  • Lisa Sandmeyer

    PhD student

    PXL 20240525 162727369.MP

    I am a PhD student in evolutionary ecology using great and blue
    tits to compare coloured signals of forest, urban and corsican
    birds to assess the impacts of urbanisation and climate
    change on these traits and selection associated.

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    ORCID - Twitter



    Supervisors: Claire Doutrelant (CEFE - CNRS, Montpellier) & Arnaud Grégoire (CEFE - University of Montpellier).
    Project in collaboration with David López Idiáquez.

    Thesis project: Climatic, anthropic and intrinsic determinants of ornaments expression and their association to fitness.


    Urbanisation and climate change are two major factors driving ongoign environmental changes in wirld populations worldwide. Research has revealed plastic and genetic responses to these anthropogenic changes. A shift in environmental conditions are expected to impose novel slective forces that can shape phenotypic variation of populations living in urban environments. Ornaments such as conspicuous colourations play a crucial role shaping interactions between individuals in inter and intra-sexual contexts. Ornamentals surch as feathers, with carotenoid-based (yellow to red), structural (blue) and melanic colours, are expected to be associated with variation in environmental conditions. Phenotypic divergences are known in urban environments, however understanding the underlying mechanisms driving colour variation are not investigated.

    This projects uses a long time dataset from the following of four blue tits populations, three in Corsica and one near Montpellier, and two great tits populations from the city of Montpellier and a nearby forest. Overall it covers 10 to nearly 20 years of colouration data. This dataset results from the work of numerous researchers and students from the CEFE TIT PROJECT.

    This thesis aims to:

    • Unravel the effects of urbanisation and climate change on carotenoid colouration in the great tits, and investigate whether phenotypic divergence has a temporal pattern.
    • Understand which urban characteristic is causing changes in bird colouration using
      1/ common garden experiments to see whether there is plastic or genetic changes.
      2/ metabarcoding data to see what urban and forest birds are eating while they renew their feathers.
    • Investigate selection by survival on coloured ornaments for both blue and great tits and compare it between environments.



    • 2022: Master's degree in evolutionnary ecology, Sorbonne Université, France.
            - 2nd year Master thesis: Sublethal effects of pesticides on passerine's health and behaviour. Under the supervision of Jerome Moreau (CEBC - La Rochelle Université, France).
            - 1st year Master thesis: Adaptive effects of rock pigeon (Columbia livia)beak's morphology on the regulation of feather's ectoparasites. Under the supervision of Julien Gasparini (Sorbonne Université, France).
    • 2019: Bachelor degree in Life Sciences, Sorbonne Université, France.


    Publications: More to come soon

    • Jeantet A.,Sandmeyer L., Campech C., Audebert F., Agostini S., Pellerin A., Gasparini J. 2023. The “parasite detoxification hypothesis” : lead exposure potentially changes the ecological interaction from parasitism to mutualism. Ecotoxicology 32(5):666-673.



    • 2000€ ESEB Hewitt Mobility Award 2024 to visit another laboratory - NTNU, Norway
    • 2000€ SQUID Student Fellowship in 2023 to visit another laboratoty - NTNU, Norway
    • 300£ BOU Member conference attendance grant in 2023



  • Lise ROY

    Roy Lise small

    Maître de Conférences, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III


    Intéressée par les dynamiques de populations d’arthropodes en agroécosystèmes, j’étudie (1) les effets de l’interférence entre activités agricoles et deux grandes forces évolutives sur les arthropodes - la migration et la sélection naturelle –, (2) les interactions biotiques impliquant des arthropodes bioagresseurs et auxiliaires potentiels. Je dirige ces travaux suivant une approche transdisciplinaire à l'interface entre recherche fondamentale et recherche opérationnelle.


    I am interested in the dynamics of arthropod populations in agroecosystems and am studying (1) the effects of interference between farming activities and two major evolutionary forces on arthropods - migration and natural selection - and (2) biotic interactions involving arthropod pests and potential beneficials. I lead this work following a transdisciplinary approach at the interface between fundamental and operational research.


    Courriel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Chargée de recherche CNRSphotoLRL


    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France

    Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 xx xx

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    Google scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=yyjumocAAAAJ&hl=fr

    Orcid : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6715-9898

  • Lucas DUBUS

    photo Lucas terrain

    Doctorant EPHE - PSL / Beauval Nature

    Étage 1 - Aile C - Bureau 114

    Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Supervisor : Stéphanie Manel (CEFE, EPHE - PSL)

    L’objectif général de la thèse est d’améliorer l'état des connaissances sur le lamantin d’Afrique (Trichechus senegalensis) au sein du Parc National de Conkouati-Douli (PNCD) afin de guider les actions favorables à sa conservation (sensibilisation, méthodes de pêche, activités alternatives, …) tout en prenant en compte les impacts socio-économiques. L’aspect cryptique et méconnu de cette espèce menacée d’extinction nécessite un couplage de différentes méthodes de suivi non-destructifs ni invasifs (observation visuelle, acoustique, génomique), dont certaines sont nouvelles (ADN environnemental). Ce suivi aura pour but, d’une part, de mieux connaître les besoins écologiques de l’espèce, son habitat, et sa distribution au sein du parc ; d’autre part, il permettra d’estimer des indices de l’abondance de la (ou les) population(s) de lamantin présente(s) au sein du PNCD. Finalement les résultats de ce projet permettront de proposer des mesures d’évitement, de réduction ou de compensation des menaces qui pèsent sur l’espèce tout en limitant les effets négatifs pour la population humaine locale.
    Objectif 1 : Caractériser la distribution de l’espèce en lien avec l’environnement (paramètre physico-chimiques, végétation, pressions anthropiques, …) et proposer un modèle d’occurrence au sein du parc et une cartographie.
    Nous chercherons à identifier les besoins écologiques de l'espèce au sein du PNCD, sa répartition en vue d'établir une carte de probabilité d'occurrence.
    Objectif 2 : Estimer la taille de la population de lamantins dans le parc grâce à la génomique.
    Nous analyserons la structure et la diversité génétique du Lamantin au sein de PNCD. Nous estimerons également un indice de taille de l'échantillon que nous avons.
    Objectif 3 : Apport de l’acoustique dans la caractérisation spatiale et saisonnière de l’habitat du Lamantin, la caractérisation des individus et l’apport pour un indice d’abondance en lamantins, et comparaison avec les résultats génétiques.
    Nous testerons la capacité de l’approche acoustique à identifier individuellement les lamantins ainsi qu’à obtenir une estimation de la taille de population. Les résultats seront comparés à ceux obtenus par le suivi génétique (Objectif 2).
    Objectif 4 : Proposer un programme de conservation et identifier les zones de protection prioritaire en interaction avec les populations pour en limiter les impacts socio-économiques.
    Nous utiliserons alors les connaissances acquises sur la répartition spatiale et l’abondance du Lamantin d’Afrique dans le PNCD (Objectifs 1, 2 & 3) pour guider les actions de conservation de l’espèce dans le parc.
    Thesis projet : Characterize the distribution and population size of the African manatee, a threatened species, in Conkouati-Douli National Park, Republic of the Congo
    The general objective of the thesis is to improve the knowledge about the African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) within Conkouati-Douli National Park (CDNP) in order to guide conservation actions (awareness, fishing methods, alternative activities, etc.) while considering socio-economic impacts. The cryptic and poorly understood nature of this threatened species necessitates a combination of different non-destructive and non-invasive monitoring methods (visual observation, acoustic, genomic), some of which are new (environmental DNA). This monitoring aims to better understand the ecological needs of the species, its habitat, and its distribution within the park, as well as to estimate indices of manatee population abundance within the CDNP. Ultimately, the results of this project will enable the proposal of avoidance, reduction, or compensation measures for threats to the species while minimizing negative effects on the local human population.
    Objective 1: Characterize the species distribution in relation to the environment (physico-chemical parameters, vegetation, anthropogenic pressures, etc.) and propose an occurrence model within the park along with mapping.
    We will seek to identify the ecological needs of the species within the CDNP, its distribution to establish a probability map of occurrence.
    Objective 2: Estimate the size of the manatee population in the park using genomics.
    We will analyze the genetic structure and diversity of the manatee within the CDNP. We will also estimate a sample size index that we have.
    Objective 3: Contribution of acoustics to the spatial and seasonal characterization of manatee habitat, individual characterization, and contribution to a manatee abundance index, and comparison with genetic results.
    We will test the ability of the acoustic approach to individually identify manatees and to obtain an estimation of the population size. Results will be compared with those obtained through genetic monitoring (Objective 2).
    Objective 4: Propose a conservation program and identify priority protection areas in interaction with populations to mitigate socio-economic impacts.
    We will use the knowledge gained about the spatial distribution and abundance of the African manatee in the CDNP (Objectives 1, 2 & 3) to guide species conservation actions in the park.


  • Luis-Miguel CHEVIN

    LMC portraitDirecteur de Recherche CNRS


    I am interested in adaptive evolution in response to changing environments: its ecological causes, phenotypic and genetic underpinnings, and demographic consequences. 


  • Maëlis KERVELLEC

    PhD candidate – Université de Montpellier



    Doctorante en écologie statistique, j’étudie l’apport des méthodes de suivi non-invasif, de l’intégration de données et de la modélisation statistique à la compréhension de l’écologie des populations de carnivores en France. Je travaille en particulier sur les questions de connectivité.

    I’m a PhD student in statistical ecology. I study the contribution of non-invasive monitoring, data integration and statistical modelling to study the ecology of carnivore populations in France. I work in particular on connectivity issues.


    Supervisor: Olivier Gimenez (CEFE-CNRS)
    Co-supervisor: Cyril Milleret (NMBU, University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway)


    Contact information

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    Twitter / X: @MaelisKervellec
    Bureau 202, 2ème étage aile C

  • Magali PROFFIT







    IMG 8157

    Chargée de recherche au CNRS


    Mes recherches portent sur les interactions interspécifiques, plus particulièrement entre plantes et insectes. Mes projets de recherche s´intègrent dans le domaine fortement interdisciplinaire de l´écologie chimique. En favorisant une approche interdisciplinaire combinant la chimie analytique, l’écologie comportementale, la physiologie sensorielle et la biologie évolutive, j’ai étudié le rôle de la médiation chimique, particulièrement via les composés organiques volatils (COVs), dans le fonctionnement d’interactions de différents types : pollinisation, herbivorie, parasitisme et reconnaissance entre partenaires sexuels. Je travaille aussi bien dans des écosystèmes méditerranéens que tropicaux. Je consacre une partie de mes activités de recherche à la caractérisation des mécanismes évolutifs impliqués dans la nature des messagers chimiques ainsi que la détection de ces composés dans les interactions plantes-pollinisateurs. L’autre axe de mes recherches porte sur l ́impact des changements environnementaux globaux, principalement climatiques et de concentrations en polluants atmosphériques, sur la communication chimique plantes-pollinisateurs. Ces deux axes de recherches sont abordés de manière originale et intégrative car je m’intéresse aussi bien aux pressions de sélections qu’aux sources de variations proximales qui peuvent affecter l’émission des COVs, leur stabilité dans l’atmosphère que leur détection par les pollinisateurs. Une originalité forte de mon approche est que je cherche à connecter différentes disciplines afin d’étudier conjointement les deux fonctions principales des COVs émis par les plantes : défenses contre des stress (abiotiques et biotiques) et reproduction. 


    My research focuses on interspecific interactions, particularly between plants and insects. My research projects are part of the highly interdisciplinary field of chemical ecology. Favoring an interdisciplinary approach combining analytical chemistry, behavioral l ́ecology, sensory physiology and evolutionary biology, I have studied the role of chemical mediation, particularly via volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in the functioning of different types of interactions: pollination, herbivory, parasitism and recognition between sexual partners. I work in both Mediterranean and tropical ecosystems. I dedicate part of my research activities to characterizing the evolutionary mechanisms involved in the nature of chemical messengers and the detection of these compounds in plant-pollinator interactions. The other part of my research focuses on the impact of global environmental changes, mainly climatic and atmospheric pollutant concentration changes, on plant-pollinator chemical communication. These two areas of research are approached in an original and integrative way, as I am interested in both selection pressures and sources of proximal variations that can affect the emission of VOCs, their stability in the atmosphere and their detection by pollinators. A strong originality of my approach is that I attempt to connect different disciplines in order to jointly study the two main functions of VOCs emitted by plants: defense against stresses (abiotic and biotic), and reproduction.

    Courriel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • Marcel Lambrechts

    Directeur de recherche au CNRS

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

    Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 33 10
    Fax : +33/0 4 67 61 33 36
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    Mots clés

    Discipline : Ecologie évolutive, Ecologie comportementale, Ecophysiologie
    Thématiques : Biologie des populations, Traits d’histoire de vie, Changements environnementaux, Hétérogénéité de l’habitat
    Organismes biologiques : Aves, Parus (Mésanges)
    Milieux : Région méditerranéenne, Milieux forestiers
    Techniques :  Suivi d’individus marqués dans le cadre d’un programme à long terme
    Autres mots clés : Interactions entre espèces, Ressources, Climat

  • Marie-Morgane ROUYER

    PhD Candidate – Marine ecology and conservation MarieMorganeROUYER

    I am a PhD candidate, working at the interface between movement ecology and marine conservation. My PhD project aims to deliver science-based, conservation-oriented evidence to inform the conservation of highly mobile seabirds in the Atlantic. It is a partnership between the CEFE, the University of Lisbon, BirdLife International and the UN Evironment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).

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  • Martha MAC CALL

    Photo MMC

    Ingénieure d'études - Projet BIRDMOVE

    1919, Route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

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    Le projet BIRDMOVE porte sur l'évaluation des déplacements de populations d'oiseaux marins induits par les parcs éoliens en mer sur les façades Manche et Atlantique. Ce projet s'inscrit dans le cadre des travaux du GT ECUME piloté par le ministère de la transition écologique.

    En tant qu'ingénieure d'études du projet, je travaille entre autres sur le développement d'un modèle d'évaluation des effets "déplacement" (perte d'habitat fonctionnel) et "barrière" (création d'obstacles au mouvement) des parcs éoliens en mer sur les populations d'oiseaux marins.



  • Marwan NACIRI

    PhD candidate – Université de Montpellier

    Marwan svalbard


    I’m a PhD student interested in evolutionary demography and population dynamics of wild populations. I’m currently working on the demography of Svalbard polar bears. I’m relying on 30+ years of data including mark-recapture data, tracking data, and more. I’m mainly using linear models, mark-recapture models and path analysis models in a Bayesian framework to study the determinants of reproductive output, trade-offs between traits, and such.

    Sarah Cubaynes (EPHE, CEFE-CNRS), Jon Aars (Norwegian Polar Institute)


    Contact information

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    Orcid: 0000-0003-1489-9363
    GitHub: MarwanNaciri