- Published: 04 October 2019
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Postdoctoral fellow
Département Interaction, Écologie et Sociétés Équipe Interactions Bioculturelles CEFE/CNRS Bureau 211A et (+33)6 98 94 30 87 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Research themes
My research aims to understand the role played by agrobiodiversity in the resilience of agroecosystems amidst global changes. I document changes in agrobiodiversity over time and analyze the interplay between their various drivers. Specifically, I investigate how (e.g., choices, seed supply and sources of information) and why (e.g., values, insurance effects) farmers manage, maintain, and experiment with various crop varieties. During my Ph.D., I focused on wine-growing systems characterized by significant but underutilized diversity of grape varieties. I employ an interdisciplinary approach in ethnoecology, at the intersection of ecological, agronomical, social and human sciences. I use a wide range of methods, including long-term fieldwork, surveys, modeling (R cran), GIS, social network analysis, and the mixing of qualitative and quantitative data.
Thesis (September 2019 - April 2023)
Biocultural approach of grapevine varieties dynamics in the Gaillac wine-growing region (France). CEFE-CNRS. Supervisors: Sophie Caillon & Delphine Renard.
Participation in research programs and projects
2024 – present: Member of the International Society of Ethnobiology
2022 – present: Member of the École thématique Ethnoécologie et interactions bioculturelles (CNRS)
2018 – present: Member of the GDR ReSoDiv (CNRS)
2019 – 2024: AgrobiodiverSity for a food-Secure PlanET (ASSET) – PI : Delphine Renard. Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) trought the program Make Our Planet Great Again
2020 – 2023: Assessing the crop diversity trends in relation with climate change based on local kowledge (CITRON). PI : Vanesse Labeyrie (Sens, CIRAD), Delphine Renard (CNRS), Victoria Reyes-Garcia (UAB). European Research Council (ERC).
2020 – 2021: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Contributing author for the Chapter 4.8 – The diverse values and valuation of nature (2022).
2019 – 2021: Well-being indicators: Using a biocultural approach for co-construction. PI : Sophie Caillon and Ken MacDonald (University of Toronto). Institut Écologie et Environnement (INEE) of CNRS
Doctoral Runner-up Award of the Wine and Vine Business Chair, Montpellier, France, 2024. (Institut Agro Montpellier, INRAE, University of Montpellier, AdVini, AgroSud, Diam Bouchage, ICV, InVivo Foundation, Lallemand Oenology, Mercier, Moët Hennessy et les Vignerons de Buzet)
Publications (3)
Isaac M., Lin T., Caillon S., Sebastien L., MacDonald K., Prudham S., Doncieux A., Renard D., Aumeeruddy- Thomas Y., Vincent L., Cobelli O., Locqueville L., & Sterling E. (2024) Multidimensional measures of farmer well-being: A scoping review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 44(4), 39.
Doncieux A., Yobrégat O., Prudham S., Caillon S., & Renard D. (2022) Agrobiodiversity dynamics in a French wine-growing region. OENO One 56:183–199.
Gauthier P., Pons V., Fisogni A., Murru V., Berjano R., Dessena S., Maccioni A., Chelo C., de Manincor N., Doncieux A., Papuga G., & Thompson J. D. (2019). Assessing vulnerability of listed Mediterranean plants based on population monitoring. Journal for Nature Conservation, 52, 125758.
Research presentations (8)
Doncieux A. (June 2024) Which winegrape varieties are selected why and how? Agriculture, Food & Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food and Society Conference. Wine and Climate change Kitchen session [roundtable session with wine tasting]. Syracuse, USA.
Caillon S., Vincent L., Sebastien L., Isaac M., Cobelli O., MacDonald K., Prudham S., Doncieux A., Renard D., J. Locqueville J. & Sterling E. (May 2024) Biocultural Well-being Values Among French Organic Winegrowers: Interconnectedness with People, Nature and Place. International Society of Ethnobiology Congress. Marrakech, Morocco
Doncieux A., Demongeot M., MacDonald K., Renard D. & Caillon S. (May 2024) Unpacking the multiple motivations of grapevine variety choice. International Society of Ethnobiology Congress. Marrakech, Morocco
Doncieux A. (January 2024) Dynamiques de l’agrobiodiversité et résilience : approche bioculturelle dans les systèmes viticoles. Séminaire de l’UMR AGIR (INRAE). Toulouse, France. Invited talk.
Doncieux A. (December 2023) Dynamiques de l’encépagement en gaillacois et résilience. Assemblée générale des IGPs Côte du Tarn. Gaillac, France. Invited talk.
Doncieux A., Demongeot M., MacDonald K., Renard D. & Caillon S. (March 2023). Décortiquer les motivations multiples du choix des variétés de vigne. 14ème édition de la journée scientifique vigne et vin sur le thème « La biodiversité en viticulture et en œnologie ». Montpellier, France.
Caillon S., Doncieux A., Vincent L. (February 2021). Climate change and French wine-growing systems. Climate Change, Shifting Cultures. American Museum Of Natural History. New York City, USA. Invited talk and online conference
Jankowsky F., Doncieux A., Maizi P., Berthouly-Salazar C. & Barnaud A. (June 2020). La circulation des semences de mil au Sénégal : reconfigurations sociales et ontologiques. Association for the anthropology of social change and development (APAD). Lomé, Togo.
Posters (4)
Doncieux A., Caillon S. & Renard D. (2020). Semer la biodiversité : récolter la stabilité face aux variations climatiques ? Mesure de l’effet d’assurance à une échelle fine. Med2020., conférence en ligne.
Doncieux A., Jankowski F., Gaudin A. & Barnaud A. (2019). Coexistence of certified and peasant seeds: the challenge for agrobiodiversity conservation? Jack R. Harlan International Symposium. 3. Montpellier, France
Doncieux A., Jankowski F., Gaudin A. & Barnaud A. (2018). Certified and peasant seeds: which network for millet seed supply?. . Société Française d’Écologie et d’Évolution. International Conference on Ecological Sciences : Sfécologie, Rennes, France.
Labeyrie V., Raimond C., Barnaud A., Jankowski F., Sall M. Ouédraogo L., Bodian A., Coulibaly H., Coumaré O., Lawali S., Cobelli O., Beaurepaire S., Cazaban G., Doncieux A., Verzelen N., Barbillon P., Garine E., Coppens D’Eeckenbrugge G., Saidou A., Leclerc C., Thomas M., Louafi, S. (2018). Documenting crop diversity management practices in West-Africa: raising perspectives for improving governance frameworks. Société Française d’Écologie et d’Évolution. International Conference on Ecological Sciences. Rennes, France.
Outreach (2)
Doncieux A. (June 2023) La viticulture face aux changements climatiques. Le Troquet Toqué. Sauve, France. Conférence grand public.
Doncieux A. (2023) Agrobiodiversity dynamics in a French wine-growing region. Science & Wine blog.