
Chargée de recherche au CNRS


J'étudie le rôle de la médiation chimique dans le fonctionnement de différents types d´interactions plantes-arthropodes. J'ai pour objectif de caractériser l´impact de l’augmentation de polluants atmosphériques sur la rencontre entre espèces dans les interactions plantes-insectes et donc sur la résilience de ces interactions. J'étudie également les mécanismes évolutifs expliquant la nature des signaux chimiques ainsi que la détection de ces signaux dans les interactions plantes-pollinisateurs.


I study the role of chemical mediation in the functioning of different types of plant-arthropod interactions. I aim at characterising the impact of increasing concentrations of atmospheric pollutants on the encounter between species in plant-insect interactions and hence on the resilience of these interactions. I also investigate the evolutionary processes explaining the nature of the chemical signals and how they are detected in plant-insect interactions.

Courriel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Responsable de l'équipe Interactions Biotiques (IBT)

Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
F-34293 Montpellier cedex 5

Tél : +33 4 67 61 32 19
Fax : +33 (0) 4 67 61 33 36

bureau 2-C-203


Mots-clés :
Organisme biologique : Ficus et chalcidiens associés
Milieu : tropical et méditerranéen
Discipline : Biologie évolutive - Ecologie chimique
Thématique : coévolution
Autres mots clés : biologie de la conservation






ORCID 0000-0002-2227-0410

Funding since 2019, as PI

  • POLLURISK project, MUSE (Montpellier University of Excellence): Impact of ozone POLLUtion, in the context of climate change, on plant-pollinator chemical communication: RISQue for the resilience of ecosystem services (2018-2022)
  • ExpOz project, ANSES: Determination of ozone exposure threshold values for the resilience of plant-insect chemical communication (2019-2022)
  • IRP MOST project, CNRS (China): "Figs and fig-wasps: a model system to investigate biotic interaction network responses to global change" (2018-2022)
  • Chime2 project, PRIME 80 CNRS-INEE-IC: Biochemical constraints and ecological selection pressures in the evolution of volatile organic compounds responsible for pollinator attraction (2019-2022)
  • PolluCom project, ANR: "Effects of ozone pollution on plant-pollinator chemical communication under global warming, consequences for their interactions" (2023-2026)

Liste de publications

Blatrix R., Kidyoo A., Matrougui I., Samsungnoen P., McKey D., Proffit M., 2024. Mechanical stimulation of the stigmas triggers switch from female to male phase in the protogynous trap flower of Aristolochia rotunda (Aristolochiaceae). Mediterranean Botany, 45, e85906.

Dubuisson C, Worthan H, Garinie T, Hossaert-McKey M, Lapeyre B, Buatois B, Temime-Roussel B, Ormeño E, Staudt M, Proffit M. 2024. Ozone alters the chemical signal required for plant – insect pollination: the case of the Mediterranean fig tree and its specific pollinator. Science of the total environment 827.

Démares F, Gibert L, Lapeyre B, Creusot P, Renault D, Proffit M. 2024. Ozone exposure induces metabolic stress and olfactory memory disturbance in honey bees. Chemosphere, 140647.

Kidyoo A., Kidyoo M., Ekkaphan P., Blatrix R., McKey D, Proffit M., 2024. Specialized pollination by cecidomyiid flies and associated floral traits in Vincetoxicum sangyojarniae (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae). Plant Biology, 26, 166-180.

Cao L, Hmimsa Y, El fatehi S, Buatois B, Dubois MP, Le Moigne M, Hossaert‑McKey M, Aumeeruddy‑Thomas Y, Bagnères AG, Proffit M. 2023. Floral scent of the Mediterranean fig tree: significant inter‑varietal difference but strong conservation of the signal responsible for pollinator attraction. Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5642

Deng X, Buatois B, Peng YQ, Yu H, Cheng Y, Ge X, Proffit M, Kjellberg F. 2023. Plants are the drivers of geographic variation of floral odours in brood site pollination mutualisms: a case study of Ficus hirta. Acta Oecologica, 121,103952.

Fernandez C, Saunier A, Wortham H, Ormeño E, Proffit M, Lecareux C, Greff S, Van Tan D, Tuan MS, Hoan HD, et al. 2023. Mangrove’s species are weak isoprenoid emitters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 283: 108256.

Demares F, Gibert L, Creusot P, Lapeyre B, Proffit M. 2022. Acute ozone exposure impairs detection of floral odor, learning, and memory of honey bees, through olfactory generalization. Science of the total environment 827.

Kidyoo A., Kidyoo M., McKey D., Proffit M., Deconninck G., Wattana P., Uamjan N., Ekkaphan P., Blatrix, R., 2022. Pollinator and floral odor specificity among four synchronopatric species of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae) suggests ethological isolation that prevents reproductive interference. Scientific Reports, 12, 13788.

Kidyoo A, Kidyoo M, Blatrix R, Deconninck G, McKey D, Ekkaphan P, Proffit M. 2021. Molecular phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic reconsideration of Ceropegia hirsuta (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) reveal a novelty in Thailand, Ceropegia citrina sp. nov., with notes on its pollination ecology. Plant systematics and evolution 307.

Vanderplanck M., Lapeyre B., Brondani M., Opsommer M., Dufay M., Hossaert-McKey M., Proffit M. 2021. Ozone pollution alters olfaction and behavior of pollinators. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 636.

Vanderplanck M, Lapeyre B, Lucas S, Proffit M. 2021. Ozone Induces Distress Behaviors in Fig Wasps with a Reduced Chance of Recovery. INSECTS 12.

Dormont L, Fort T, Bessiere J, Proffit M, Hidalgo E, Buatois B, Schatz B. 2020. Sources of floral scent variation in the food-deceptive orchid Orchis mascula. Acta oecologica 107.

Proffit M., LapeyreB., Buatois B., Deng X.X., Arnal P., Gouzerh F., Carrasco D., Hossaert-McKey M. 2020. Chemical signal is in the blend: bases of plant-pollinator encounter in a highly specialized interaction. Scientific Reports 10:10071

Conchou L., Lucas P., Meslin C., Proffit M., Staudt M., Renou M. 2019. Insect odorscapes: from plant volatiles to natural olfactory scenes. Frontiers in Physiology, 10:972. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00972 

Carrasco D.*, Desurmont G.A.*, Laplanche D., Proffit M., Gols R., Becher P.G., Larsson M.C., Turlings T.C.J., Anderson P. 2018. With or without you: effects of the concurrent range expansion of an herbivore and its natural enemy on native species interactions. Global Change Biology, 24(2):631-643.

Proffit M., Bessière J.M., Schatz B., Hossaert-McKey M. 2018. Can fine-scale post-pollination variation of fig volatile compounds explain some steps of the temporal succession of fig wasps associated with Ficus racemosa? Acta Oecologica,

Souto-Vilarós D., Proffit M., Buatois B., Rindos M., Sisol M., Kuyaiva T., Michalek J., Darwell C.T. , Hossaert-McKey M., Weiblen G. D. , Novotny V., Segar S.T. 2018 Pollination along an elevational gradient mediated both by floral scent and pollinator compatibility in the fig and fig-wasp mutualism. Journal of Ecology, 106:2256-2273.

Karlsson M.F., Proffit M., Birgersson. 2017. Host-plant location by the Guatemalan potato moth Tecia solanivora is assisted by floral volatiles. Chemoecology. 27(5):187-198.

Santonja M., Fernandez C., Proffit M., Gers C., Gauquelin T., Reiter I.M., Cramer W., Baldy V. 2017. Plant litter mixture partly mitigates the negative effects of extended drought on soil biota and litter decomposition in a Mediterranean oak forest. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12711.

Hossaert-McKey M., Proffit M., Soler C., Chen C., Bessière J.M., Schatz B., Borges R.M. (2016). How to be a dioecious fig: Chemical mimicry between sexes matters only when both sexes flower synchronously. Scientific Reports 6, 21236.

Kjellberg F., Proffit M. (2016). Tracking the elusive history of diversification in plant-herbivorous insect-parasitoid food webs: insights from figs and fig-wasps. Molecular Ecology, 25, 843-845.

Proffit M., Khallaf M., Carrasco D., Larsson M. & Anderson P. (2015). Do you remember the first time? Host plant preference in a moth is modulated by experiences during larval and adult mating. Ecology Letters, 18, 365-374.

Schatz B., Proffit M., Kjellberg F., Hossaert-McKey M. (2013). Un réseau trophique complexe: le cas des figuiers associés à différentes communautés d’insectes. in : Des insectes et des plantes. Ed. Quae.

Charpentier M.J.E., Barthes N., Proffit M., Bessière J.M., Buatois B., Grison C. (2012). Critical thinking in the chemical ecology of mammalian communication: Roadmap for future studies. Functional Ecology, 26, 769-774.

Clavijo McCormick A.L., Karlsson M.F., Bosa C.F., Proffit M., Bengtsson M., Zuluaga M.V., Fukumoto T., Oehlschlager C., Cotes Prado A.L., Witzgall P. (2012). Mating disruption of Guatemalan Potato Moth Tecia solanivora by attractive and non-attractive pheromone blends. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 38, 63-70.

Cornille A., Underhill J.G., Cruaud A., Hossaert-McKey M., Johnson S.D., Tolley K.A., Kjellberg F., van Noort S., Proffit M. (2012). Floral volatiles, pollinator sharing and diversification in the fig–wasp mutualism: insights from Ficus natalensis, and its two wasp pollinators (South Africa). Proceedings of the royal society-B, 279, 1731-1739.

Soler C., Proffit M., Bessière J.M., Hossaert-McKey M., Schatz B. (2012). When males change their scents in presence of females, the case of the plant Ficus carica. Ecology letters, 15, 978-985.

Witzgall P., Proffit M., Rozpedowska E., Becher PG., Andreadis S., Coracini M., Lindblom TU., Rearn LJ., Hagman A., Bengtsson M., Kurtzman CP., Piskur J., Knight A. (2012). "This is not an Apple"-yeast mutualism in codling moth. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 38, 949-957.

Proffit M., Birgersson G., Bengtsson M., Witzgall P., Lima E. (2011). Attraction and oviposition of Tuta absoluta females (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in response to tomato leave volatiles. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 37, 565-574.

Soler C., Hossaert-McKey M., Buatois B., Bessière J.M., Schatz B., Proffit M. (2011). Geographic variation of floral scent in a highly specialized pollination mutualism. Phytochemistry, 72, 74-81.

Hossaert-McKey M., Soler C., Schatz B., Proffit M. (2010). Floral scents: their roles in nursery pollination mutualisms. Chemoecology, 20, 75-88.

Soler C., Proffit M., Chen C., Hossaert-McKey M. (2010). Private channels in plant-pollinator mutualisms. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 7, 893-895.

Chen C., Song Q., Proffit M., Bessière J.M., Li Z., Hossaert-McKey M. (2009). Private channel: a single unusual compound assures specific pollinator attraction in Ficus semicordata. Functional Ecology, 23, 941-950.

Proffit M., Chen C., Soler C., Bessière JM., Schatz B., Hossaert-McKey M. (2009). Can chemical signals responsible for mutualistic partner encounter promote the specific exploitation of nursery pollination mutualisms? – The case of figs and fig wasps. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 131, 46-57.

Proffit M., Johnson S.D. (2009). Specificity of the signal emitted by figs to attract their pollinating wasps: Comparison of the volatile organic compounds produced by receptive syconia of Ficus sur and F. sycomorus in Southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany, 75, 771-777.

Proffit M., Schatz B., Bessière J.M., Chen C., Soler C., Hossaert-McKey M. (2008). Signalling receptivity: comparison of the emission of volatile compounds of figs of Ficus hispida before, during and after the phase of receptivity to pollinators. Symbiosis 45, 15-24.

Roy M., Dubois M.P., Proffit M., Vincenot L., Desmarais E., Selosse M.A. (2008). Evidence from population genetics that the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria amethystina is an actual multihost symbiont. Molecular Ecology 17, 2825-2838.

Proffit M., Schatz B., Borges R.M., Hossaert-McKey M. (2007). Chemical mediation and niche partitioning in non-pollinating fig-wasp communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 76, 296-303.

Schatz B., Proffit M., Rakhi B.V., Borges R.M., Hossaert-McKey M. (2006). Complex interactions on fig trees: ants capturing parasitic wasps as indirect mutualists of the fig-fig wasp interaction. Oikos 113, 344-352.