- Published: 20 July 2011
Maître de conférences (Lecturer), Université de Montpellier
HDR (Habilitée à diriger des recherches)
I work at the interface between population dynamics and conservation biology. My research encompasses the effects of anthropic factors on population dynamics and their implications for the conservation of biodiversity. I have mainly worked in the Mediterranean region, focusing on environmental drivers such as climatic change, environmental variability and species introductions to explain ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant populations. Recently, I have developed a particular interest in historical ecology by studying ancient human impacts on whale populations.
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Adress: CEFE – UMR5175 Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, 1919 route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France
Tel: +33 (0)4 67 61 32 76
Teaching activities at the University of Montpellier
Since 2021 :
- In charge of the Master RAINET’ (Applied reseach for the conservation of Biodiversity)
- Co-director of the first year (M1) of the Master Gestion de l’Environnement et de la Biodiversité
2006-2021 : Member of the coordinating team of the Master IEGB (Applied Ecology and Biodiversity Management) since 2006, including:
- 2007 to 2014: Director of the first year (M1) of the Master IEGB
- 2014 to 2021: responsible for the orientation “Applied Research for Biodiversity Conservation” of the Master IEGB
First year of the Master IEGB: Class photo from 2008 to 2013
Teaching in ecology at undergraduate and graduate levels:
- Responsible for the course Conservation Ecology (50 h/year) for Master students
- Participant in multiple modules for undergraduate students
Field sampling by students during a graduate course in Conservation Ecology
Recent research projects
2018-2022: H2020-MSCA-ITN Inspire4Nature (INternational training at the Science-Policy Interface for Researchers in Europe, for Nature), participant.
2011-2015: Partner of the MORSE project (Management of Ocean Resources under Shifting Expectations: bringing the historical perspective into marine mammal conservation). Principal Investigator: Ana Rodrigues, Funding: ANR.
2014: In charge of the interdisciplinary project “Y a-t-il eu une exploitation ancienne des baleines en Méditerranée?» funded by La Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Montpellier.
2009-2012: Partner of the project on the evolutionary dynamics of the chemical polymorphism in Thymus vulgaris in response to climate change”. Principal Investigator: John Thompson; Funding: CEFE.
2003-2006: In charge of the interdisciplinary project "Invasion de plantes ornementales: modalités d'introduction et mécanismes biologiques déclenchant l'invasion de Baccharis halimifolia et Cortaderia selloana", funded by the program « Biological Invasions » of the French Minister of Ecology. Partners: Station biologique de la Tour du Valat, l'Université de la Méditerranée Aix-Marseille II - DESMID, and CEFE.
Master students of the “thyme team” (F. Charmasson, G. Bouget and S. Roset)
L: Baccharis halimifolia , R: Cortaderia selloana
Supervision of PhD students :
Jan Perret (2019 - ) : « Les plantes sont immobiles et attendent qu'on vienne les compter » ; co-supervision by Aurélien Besnard and Guillaume Papugga
Clara Poirier (2019 - ): Comment mettre en valeur l’altérité dans la nature ? Réflexion exploratoire vers des outils logiques et éthiques. Main supervision by Virginie Maris
Kathrin Holenstein (2018-2022): Permeability of European Protected Areas in the face of Invasive Alien Species
Supersivion of Graduate students :
Soumaya Belghali (2017) Protected areas as biodiversity benchmarks: North American birds as a case study. Second year Master student. Master Ecologie Biodiversité, Evolution Paris. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. Main supervisor: Ana Rodrigues, Co-supervisor: Anne Charpentier
Marine Kreder (2013) Dynamique de colonisation de Cortaderia selloana en Camargue : approche spatialisée et distance sampling. Master 2 IEGB, Université Montpellier. Encadrement principal: Anne Charpentier, Co-encadrement: Aurélien Besnard
Isabelle Maréchaux (2012) From thinking globally to acting locally: how to make the best use of available data in identifying priorities for biodiversity conservation? Master 2 EBE Paris, ingénieure-élève du Corps des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts. Encadrante principale: Ana Rodrigues; Co-encadrante : Anne Charpentier.
Stéphanie Roset (2011) Rôle des changements paysagers dans l’évolution de la distribution spatiale des chémotypes du thym Thymus vulgaris dans le bassin de Saint-Martin-de-Londres. Master 2 Ecosystem, Univ. Montpellier 2.
Guillaume Bouguet (2010) La cueillette du thym dans les garrigues : décrire un savoir écologique traditionnel, l’intégrer dans un processus d’ingénierie écologique. Master 2 IEGB, Université Montpellier 2.
Faustine Charmasson (2010) Evolution de la fréquence des chémotypes de thym en fonction du changement climatique. Master 1 pro STEP- Univ. Paris Diderot
Guillaume Bouguet (2009) Le thym du bassin de Saint-Martin-de-Londres : une diversité de chémotypes à préserver et valoriser. Master 2 IEGB, Université Montpellier 2.
Perret, J., Charpentier, A., Pradel, R., Papuga, G., & Besnard, A. (2022). Spatially balanced sampling methods are always more precise than random ones for estimating the size of aggregated populations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 00, 1–14.
Charpentier A, ASL Rodrigues, C Houmard, A Lefebvre, K Mcgrath, C Speller, L van der Sluis, A Zazzo, JM Pétillon (2022) What's in a whale bone? Combining new analytical methods, ecology and history to shed light on ancient human-whale interactions. Quaternary Science Reviews 284, 107470
Holenstein K, WD Simonson, KG Smith, TM Blackburn, A Charpentier (2021) Non-native species surrounding protected areas influence the community of non-native species within them. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 625137
Charpentier A, M Kreder, A Besnard, P Gauthier, C Bouffet (2020). How Cortaderia selloana, an ornamental plant considered highly invasive, fails to spread from urban to natural habitats in Southern France. Urban Ecosystems 23 (6), 1181-1190
JM Pétillon, FX Chauvière, C Speller, K McGrath, ASL Rodrigues, A Charpentier, F Baleux (2019). A Gray Whale in Magdalenian Perigord. Species identification of a bone projectile point from La Madeleine (Dordogne, France) using collagen fingerprinting. PALEO Revue d'archéologie préhistorique, 230-242
Rodrigues ASL, S Monsarrat, A Charpentier, TM Brooks, M Hoffmann, ...(2019) Unshifting the baseline: a framework for documenting historical population changes and assessing long-term anthropogenic impacts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1788), 20190220
Rodrigues ASL, A Charpentier, D Bernal-Casasola, A Gardeisen, C Nores, ... (2018) Forgotten Mediterranean calving grounds of grey and North Atlantic right whales: evidence from Roman archaeological records. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1882), 20180961
Maréchaux, I., Rodrigues, A.S.L. & Charpentier, A. (2017). The value of coarse species range maps to inform local biodiversity conservation in a global context. Ecography, 40: 1166–117
Speller, C., Hurk, Y. van den, Charpentier, A., Rodrigues, A., Gardeisen, A., Wilkens, B., McGrath, K., Rowsell, K., Spindler, L., Collins, M. & Hofreiter, M. (2016). Barcoding the largest animals on Earth: ongoing challenges and molecular solutions in the taxonomic identification of ancient cetaceans. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 371, 20150332.
Rodrigues, A.S.L., Horwitz, L.K., Monsarrat, S. & Charpentier, A. (2016). Ancient whale exploitation in the Mediterranean: species matters. Antiquity, 90, 928–938.
Fried, G., L. Caño, S. Brunel, E. Beteta, A. Charpentier, M. Herrera, U. Starfinger, et F.D. Panetta (2016) Invasive plant species in Europe: Baccharis halimifolia L. Botany Letters 163: 1-27.
Charpentier Anne (2015) Insights from life history theory for an explicit treatment of trade-offs in conservation biology. Conservation Biology 29: 738-747
Ehlers B.K., Charpentier A., Grøndahl E. (2014) An allelopathic plant facilitates species richness in the Mediterranean garrigue. Journal of Ecology 102: 176–185.
Thompson J., Charpentier A., Bouguet G., Charmasson F., Roset S., Buatois B., Vernet P., Gouyon P.-H. (2013) Evolution of a genetic polymorphism with climate change in a Mediterranean landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110: 2893-2897. PDF
Charpentier A., Anand M., Bauch C.T. (2012) Variable offspring size as an adaptation to environmental heterogeneity in a clonal plant species: integrating experimental and modelling approaches. Journal of Ecology 100: 184-195. PDF
Rhazi M., Grillas P., Rhazi L., Charpentier A., Medail F. (2009) Competition in microcosm between a clonal plant species (Bolboschoenus maritimus) and a rare quillwort (Isoetes setacea) from Mediterranean temporary pools of southern France. Hydrobiologia 634: 115-124.
Charpentier A., Grillas P., Lescuyer F., Coulet E., Auby I. (2005) Spatio-temporal dynamics of a Zostera noltii dominated community over a period of fluctuating salinity in a shallow lagoon, Southern France. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 64: 307-315.
Grillas P., Charpentier A., Chauvelon P., Crivelli A., Sandoz A., Lescuyer F., Coulet E. (2004) Conséquences des changements hydrologiques sur le fonctionnement biologique d'une lagune. Rev. Ecol. (Terre Vie) 59: 367.
Rhazi M., Grillas P., Charpentier A., Médail F. (2004) Experimental management of Mediterranean temporary pools for conservation of the rare quillwort Isoetes setacea. Biological Conservation 118: 675-684.
Charpentier A. (2002) Consequences of clonal growth for plant mating. Evolutionary Ecology 15: 521-530.
Grillas P., Charpentier A., Auby I., Lescuyer F., Coulet E. (2000) Spatial dynamics of Zostera noltii over a 5-year period of fluctuating salinity in the Vaccarès lagoon, France. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7: 377-380.
Charpentier A., Grillas P., Thompson J.D. (2000) The effects of population size limitation on fecundity in mosaic populations of the clonal macrophyte Scirpus maritimus (Cyperaceae). American Journal of Botany 87: 502-507.
Charpentier A., Stuefer J.F. (1999) Functional specialization of ramets in Scirpus maritimus: Splitting the tasks of sexual reproduction, vegetative growth and resource storage. Plant Ecology 141: 129-136.
Charpentier A., Mesléard F., Thompson J.D. (1998) The effects of rhizome severing on the clonal growth and clonal architecture of Scirpus maritimus. Oikos 83:107-116.
Charpentier A., Mesléard F., Grillas P. (1998) Role of water level and salinity in the regulation of Juncus gerardi populations in former ricefields. Journal of Vegetation Science 9: 361-370.