Alexandru MILCU
- Published: 09 February 2015
Chargée de recherche (CR) & Ecotron Director
CNRS CEFE (Room 216A) |
Short Biography
I am an ecosystem ecologist whose research interest focuses on the consequences of global changes such as biodiversity loss and climate change for the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.
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In my research I often use functional traits as a predictive framework for ecosystem functioning. In particular, I have a great interest in controlled environment facilities for ecosystem research (ECOTRONs) because they have the capacity to simultaneously control environmental conditions while allowing for ecosystem-level measurements of carbon and water fluxes. My research time is currently shared between CEFE and the CNRS Ecotron of Montpellier. I also act as an Associate Editor for Scientific Reports | ![]() |
Selected Publications
Milcu, A., et al. (2018). Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study Nature Ecology and Evolution,
Roy, J., Picon-Cochard, C., Augusti, A., Benot, M.-L., Thierry, L., Darsonville, O., Landais, D., Piel, C., Defossez, M., Devidal, S., Christophe, E., Ravel, O., Fromin, N., Volaire, F., Milcu, A., Bahn, M. & J-F. Soussana. (2016). Elevated CO2 maintains grassland net carbon uptake under a future heat and drought extreme. PNAS (Proceedings Natl. Acad. Sci. United States Am), 113, 6224–6229.
Milcu, A., Eugster, W., Bachmann, D., Guderle, M., et al (2016). Plant functional diversity increases grassland productivity-related water vapor fluxes: an Ecotron and modeling approach. Ecology, 97, 2044-2054,
Milcu, A., Roscher, C., Gessler, A., Bachmann, D., et al. (2014). Functional diversity of leaf nitrogen concentrations drives grassland carbon fluxes. Ecology Letters, 17, 435–444.
Milcu, A., Lukac, M., Subke, J., Manning, et al. (2012). Biotic carbon feedbacks in a materially closed soil – vegetation – atmosphere system. Nature Climate Change, 2(April), 281–284.
Scherber, C., Eisenhauer, N., Weisser, W. W., Schmid, B., … Milcu A et al. (2010). Bottom-up effects of plant diversity on multitrophic interactions in a biodiversity experiment. Nature, 468, 553–556.