Maître de Conférences
CEFE, 2ème étage, Aile B, Bureau 209

Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier cedex 5

Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 33 17



Keywords : Marine Mammals - Pinnipeds - Chemical Ecology  - Sensory Perception - Olfaction -Electrophysiology

Research Interests



Teaching - University of Nîmes - CNU 65

 Environmental Microbiology - Biochemistry - Biotechnology - Cetology


Main Publications

Campagna, S., Hansen, K.A.., Wahlberg, M., Célérier, A. Aversive response of grey (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) to camphor. A new approach to keep seals away from sensitive areas? Aquatic Mammals, 2022, 48 (6), 634-638.

Bouchard, B., Lisney, T., Campagna, S., Célérier, A. Do bottlenose dolphins display behavioural response to fish taste? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2017, 194, 120-126.

Kremers, D., Célérier, A., Schaal, B., Campagna, S., Trabalon, M., Böye, Hausberger, M., Lemasson, A. Sensory perception in dolphins: Part I – Current knowledge about the dolphins’ senses. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, section Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology, 2016 4:49.

Kremers, D., Célérier, A., Schaal, B., Campagna, S., Trabalon, M., Böye, Hausberger, M., Lemasson, A. Sensory perception in dolphins: Part II – Promising experimental approaches to study chemoreception. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, section Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology, 2016 4:50.

Gabirot M., Mardon J, Campagna S , West N, Bonadonna F Saunders SM. Guidelines for Collecting and Extracting Avian Odors in a Remote Field: Case Study of a Subantarctic Seabird. Chemical Signals in Vertebrate 13rd edition, 2016, Eds Schulte BA, Goodwin TE and FerkinMH, Springer Int. Publishing, 435-460.