Chargée de Recherche

My research interests include mechanisms that promote phenotypic variation as well as potential for and constraints on adaptation, framing those questions at the edge between evolutionary and conservation biology. 


Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Bref CV

2015-   Permanent Researcher (CR1) CNRS at CEFE

2012-15   Permanent Researcher (CR1) CNRS at National Natural History Museum (CESCO)

2008-12   Permanent Researcher (CR2) CNRS at National Natural History Museum (CESCO)
2006-08   Post-Doc – Ecological Genetics Research Unit, Helsinki University.
2003-06   Post-Doc – Population Biology, Uppsala University
1999-2003   PhD Ecologie des hydrosystèmes fluviaux, Lyon 1


Current group members

Paul Cuchot

Vaishnavi Purushotham

Undergraduates: Andrej Gonev and Lise Layotte.


ANR Bioadapt PEPS (2012-2016)

Associate Editor for Journal of Animal Ecology (2015-2018)

Editing Reviewer for Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2012-2016)

Thèmes de recherche


In press

  • A. Robert, C. Fontaine, S. Veron, A.-C. Monnet, M. Legrand, J. Clavel, S. Chantepie, D. Couvet, F. Ducarme, B. Fontaine, F. Jiguet, I. le Viol, J. Rolland, F. Sarrazin, C. Teplitsky & M. Mouchet. 2017. Is conservation science fixist ? in press, Conservation Biology.


  • S. Chantepie, C. Teplitsky, S. Pavard, F. Sarrazin, B. Descaves, P. Lecuyer, A. Robert. Age-related variation and temporal patterns in the survival of a long-lived scavenger. Oikos 125(2): 167-178
  • J. A. Mills, C. Teplitsky & al. Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies. Reply to Whitlock et al. Trends Ecol. Evol. 31(2):85-87


  • J. A. Mills, C. Teplitsky & al. Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies. Trends Ecol Evol. 30 (10), 581-589
  • S. Chantepie, A. Robert, G. Sorci, Y. Hingrat, A. Charmantier, G. Leveque, F. Lacroix, C. Teplitsky. Quantitative genetics of aging of reproductive traits in the houbara bustard. PLoS One 10(7):e0133140
  • Robert, A., S. Chantepie, S. Pavard, F. Sarrazin & Teplitsky C. 2015. Actuarial senescence can decrease the viability of mammal populations. Ecol. Appl. 25:116–124


  • Chargé R., Teplitsky C., Sorci G & Low, M. 2014. Can sexual selection theory inform genetic management of captive populations? A review. Evol. Appl. 7(9): 1120-1133.
  • Chargé, R., Sorci, G., Saint Jalme, M., Lesobre, L., Hingrat, Y., Lacroix, F. & Teplitsky, C. 2014. Does recognized genetic management in supportive breeding prevent genetic changes in life-history traits? Evol. Appl.: 7(5):521-532.
  • Teplitsky, C., Tarka, M., Møller, A. P., Nakagawa, S., Balbontín, J., Burke, T. A., Doutrelant, C., Gregoire, A., Hansson, B., Hasselquist, D., Gustafsson, L., De Lope, F., Marzal, A., Mills, J. A., Wheelwright, N., Yarrall, J. W. & Charmantier, A. 2014. Assessing multivariate constraints to evolution across ten long-term avian studies. Plos One E 9(3): e90444. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090444.
  • Teplitsky, C., Robinson, M.R. & Merilä, J. Evolutionary potential and constraints in wild populations. In : Quantitative Genetics in Wild Populations (A. Charmantier, D. Garant & L. E. B. Kruuk, eds) pp 190-208. OUP, Oxford.

  • Teplitsky, C. & Millien, V. In 2014. Climate warming and Bergmann’s rule through time : is there any evidence ? Evolutionary Applications 7:156-168


  • J. Schroeder, H. L. Dugdale, R. Radersma, M. Hinsch, D. M. Buehler, J. Saul, L. Porter, A. Liker, I. De Cauwer, P. J. Johnson, A. W. Santure, A. S. Griffin, E. Bolund, L. Ross, T. J. Webb, P. G. D. Feulner, I. Winney, M. Szulkin, J. Komdeur, M. A. Versteegh, C. K. Hemelrijk, E. I. Svensson, H. Edwards, M. Karlsson, S. A. West, E. L. B. Barrett, D. S. Richardson, V. van den Brink, J. H. Wimpenny, S. A. Ellwood, M. Rees, K. D. Matson, A. Charmantier, N. dos Remedios, N. A. Schneider, C. Teplitsky, W. F. Laurance, R. K. Butlin and N. P. C. Horrocks. 2013. Fewer invited talks by women in evolutionary biology symposia. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26(9): 2063-2069.

  • Saino N, Romano M, Rubolini D, Teplitsky C, Ambrosini R , Caprioli M, Canova L and Wakamatsu K. 2013. Sexual dimorphism in melanin pigmentation, feather coloration and its heritability in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). PlosONE. 8(2) : e8024
  • Chargé R, Teplitsky C, Hingrat Y, Saint-Jalme M, Lacroix F, Sorci G. 2013. Quantitative genetics of sexual display, ejaculate quality and size in a lekking species. Journal of Animal Ecology 82 : 399-407


  • Mihoub JB, Mouawad NG, Pilard P, Jiguet F, Low M, Teplitsky C. 2012. Impact of temperature on the breeding performance and selection patterns in lesser kestrels. Journal of Avian Biology 43 : 472-480
  • Alho JS, Teplitsky C, Mills JA, Yarrall JW, Merilä J. 2012. No evidence for inbreeding avoidance through active mate choice in red-billed gulls. Behavioral Ecology 23 : 672-675


  • Teplitsky C, Mouawad NG, Balbontín J, de Lope F, Møller AP. 2011. Quantitative genetics of migration syndromes : a study of two barn swallow populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:2025-2038
  • Senapathi D, Nicoll MAC, Teplitsky C, Jones CG, Norris K. 2011. Climate change and the risks associated with delayed breeding in a tropical wild bird population. Proc. R. Soc. B 278:3184-3190


  • Teplitsky C, Mills JA, Yarrall JW, Merilä J. 2010. Indirect genetic effects in a sex-limited trait : the case of breeding time in red-billed gulls. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:935-944


  • Teplitsky, C., J. A. Mills, J. W. Yarrall, and J. Merilä. 2009. Heritability of fitness components in a wild bird population. Evolution 63:716-726.
  • Richter-Boix, A., Teplitsky, C., Rogell, B. and A. Laurila. 2009. Local selection modifies phenotypic divergence among Rana temporaria populations in the presence of gene flow. Molecular Ecology 19 : 716-731


  • Gienapp, P., C. Teplitsky, J. Alho, J. Mills, and J. Merilä. 2008. Climate change and evolution : disentangling environmental and genetic responses. Molecular Ecology 17:167-178.
  • O’Hara, R. B., J. M. Cano, O. Ovaskainen, C. Teplitsky, and J. S. Alho. 2008. Bayesian approaches in evolutionary quantitative genetics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:949-957.
  • Teplitsky, C., J. A. Mills, J. S. Alho, J. W. Yarrall, and J. Merilä. 2008. Bergmann’s rule and climate change revisited : Disentangling environmental and genetic responses in a wild bird population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 105:13492–13496.


  • Teplitsky, C., and A. Laurila. 2007. Flexible defense strategies : competition modifies investment in behavioral vs. morphological defenses. Ecology 88:1641-1646.
  • Teplitsky, C., K. Räsänen, and A. Laurila. 2007. Phenotypic plasticity in stressful environments : the expression of inducible defences under acid conditions in Rana arvalis. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9:447-458.


  • Teplitsky, C., H. Piha, A. Laurila, and J. Merilä. 2005. Common pesticide increases costs of antipredator defenses in Rana temporaria tadpoles. Environmental Science and Technology 39:6079-6085.
  • Teplitsky, C., S. Plénet, and P. Joly. 2005. Costs and limits of dosage response to predation risk : To what extent can tadpoles invest in antipredator morphology ? Oecologia 145:364-370.
  • Teplitsky, C., S. Plénet, J.-P. Léna, E. Malet, and P. Joly. 2005. Escape behaviour and ultimate causes of specific induced defenses in an anuran tadpole. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18:180-190.

2003 & 2004

  • Teplitsky, C., S. Plénet, and P. Joly. 2003. Tadpoles responses’ to the risk of fish introduction. Oecologia 134:270-277.
  • Teplitsky, C., S. Plénet, and P. Joly. 2004. Hierarchical responses of tadpoles to multiple predators. Ecology 85:2888-2894.