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Postdoctoral Researcher

My research interests lie at the interface between population dynamics, quantitative ecology, conservation and life history evolution. I mostly focus on empirical work, on wild animal populations, but I also do some methodological development and a bit of theoretical work.




2017-Now: Postdoc, CEFE & University of Montpellier, France

2014-2017: Postdoc, PennState University & US Geological Survey, USA

2010-2013: Ph.D. Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Montana State University, USA

2009-2010: M.S. Ecology & Evolution, University of Montpellier UM2, France

2007-2010: Montpellier SUPAGRO, France

2005-2007: DEUG “Biology”, University of Montpellier, France


My research interests lie at the interface between population dynamics, quantitative ecology, conservation and life history evolution.
I mostly focus on empirical work, on wild animal populations, but I also do some methodological developments and a bit of theoretical work.

For my current postdoc (with Aurélien Besnard), I work on the population dynamics of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and we are developing an adaptive monitoring program for this species, in collaboration with French National Parks.

I have worked on several vertebrate taxa: birds, marine mammals and amphibians.


In press Adams M.J., Pearl C.A., Chambert T., McCreary B. & Galvan S.K. (in press) Effect of cattle exclosures on Columbia Spotted Frog abundance. Wetlands Ecology and Management. In Press
In press Chambert T., Grant E.H.C., Miller D.A.W., Nichols J.D., Mulder K.P. & Brand A.B. (in press) Two-species occupancy modeling accounting for species misidentification and nondetection. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. In Press

In press

Chambert T., Pilliod, D.S. Goldberg C.S., Doi H. & Takahara T. (in press) An analytical framework for estimating aquatic species density from environmental DNA. Ecology and Evolution. In Press
DOI: 10.1002/ECE3.3764

In press Chambert T., Waddle J.H., Miller D.A.W., Walls S.C. & Nichols J.D. (in press). A new framework for analyzing automated acoustic species-detection data: occupancy estimation and optimization of recordings post-processing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. In Press
DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12910


Muths E., Chambert T., Schmidt B., Miller D.A.W, Hossack B.R., et al. (2017) Heterogeneous responses of temperate-zone amphibian populations to climate change complicates conservation planning. Scientific Reports. 7(1): 17102
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-17105-7


Hossack B.R, Honeycutt R.K., Sigafus B.H., Muths E, Crawford C.L., Jones T.R., Sorensen J.A., Rorabaugh J.C. & Chambert T. (2017) Informing recovery in a human-transformed landscape: Drought-mediated coexistence alters population trends of an imperiled salamander and invasive predators. Biological Conservation, 209, 377-394.


Chambert T., Hossack B.R., Fishback L. & Davenport J.M. (2016) Estimating abundance in the presence of species uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 1041-1049.


Chapple T.K., Chambert T., Kanive P.E., Jorgensen S.J., Rotella J.J., Anderson S.D., Carlisle A.B. & Block B.A. (2016) A novel application of multi-event modeling to estimate class segregation in a highly migratory oceanic vertebrate. Ecology, 97, 3494–3502.


Boulinier T., Kada S., Ponchon A., Dupraz M., Dietrich M., Gamble A., Bourret V., Duriez O., Bazire R., Tornos J., Tveraa T., Chambert T., Garnier R., McCoy K.D. (2016) Migration, Prospecting, Dispersal? What Host Movement Matters for Infectious Agent Circulation? Integrative and Comparative Biology, icw015.


Grant E.H.C., Miller D.A.W., Schmidt B.R., Adams M.J., Amburgey S.M., Chambert T., Cruickshank S.S., Fisher R.N., Green D.M., Hossack B.R., Johnson P.T.J., Joseph M.B., et al. (2016) Quantitative evidence for the effects of multiple drivers on continental-scale amphibian declines. Scientific Reports, 6, 25625.


Hossack B.R., Muths E., Rorabaugh J.C., Espinal J.A.L., Sigafus B.H., Chambert T., Arroyo G.C., Felix D.H., Martinez D.T. & Jones T.R. (2016) Notes on the Distribution of Tiger Salamanders (presumed A. mavortium stebbinsi) in Sonora, Mexico. Herpetological Review, 47, 177-180.


Ponchon, A., Chambert, T., Lobato, E., Tveraa, T., Grémillet, D. & Boulinier T. (2015) Breeding failure induces large scale prospecting movements in the black-legged kittiwake. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 473, 138-145.


Chambert T., Kendall W.L., Hines J.E., Nichols J.D., Pedrini P., Waddle J.H., Walls S.C., Tavecchia G. & Tenan S. (2015) Testing hypotheses on distribution shifts and changes in phenology of imperfectly detectable species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 638-647.


Chambert T., Miller D.A.W. & Nichols J.D. (2015) Modeling false positive detections in species occurrence data under different study designs. Ecology, 96, 332-339.


Chambert T., Rotella J.J. & Garrott, R.A. (2015) Female Weddell seals show flexible strategies of colony attendance related to varying environmental conditions. Ecology, 96, 479-488.


Chambert T., Rotella J.J. & Garrott R.A. (2014) An evolutionary perspective on reproductive individual heterogeneity in a marine vertebrate. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83(5), 1158-1168.


Chambert T., Rotella J.J., Higgs M.D. & Garrott R.A. (2014) Use of posterior predictive checks as an inferential tool for investigating individual heterogeneity in animal population vital rates. Ecology and Evolution, 4, 1389-1397.


Chambert T., Rotella J.J., Higgs M.D. & Garrott R.A. (2013) Individual heterogeneity in reproductive rates and cost of reproduction in a long-lived vertebrate. Ecology and Evolution, 3, 2047-2060.


Choquet R., Carrié C., Chambert T. & Boulinier T. (2013) Estimating transitions between classified states using non-discrete measures with imperfect detection. Ecology, 94(10), 2160-2165.


Chambert T., Rotella J.J. & Garrott R.A. (2012) Environmental extremes versus ecological extremes: Impact of a massive iceberg on the population dynamics of a high-level Antarctic marine predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279, 4532-4541.


Chambert T., Staszewski V., Lobato E., Choquet R., Carrie C., McCoy K., Tveraa T. & Boulinier T. (2012) Exposure of Black-legged kittiwakes to Lyme disease spirochetes: dynamics of the immune status of adult hosts and effect on their survival. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81, 986-995.


Ponchon A., Grémillet D., Doligez B., Chambert T., Tveraa T., Gonzalez-Solis J. & Boulinier T. (2012) Tracking prospecting movements involved in breeding habitat selection: insights, pitfalls and perspectives. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 143-150.


Rotella J.J., Link W.A., Chambert T., Stauffer G.E. & Garrott R.A. (2012) Evaluating the demographic buffering hypothesis with vital rates estimated for Weddell seals from 30 years of mark-recapture data. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81, 162-173.


Chambert T., Pardo D., Choquet R., Staszewski V., McCoy K.D., Tveraa T. & Boulinier T. (2012) Heterogeneity in detection probability along the breeding season in Black-legged kittiwakes, implications for sampling design. Journal of Ornithology, 152, S371-S380.



Gerber B.D., Mosher B., Martin D., Bailey L., Chambert T. Chapitre 21: Occupancy models. Program MARK – a ‘gentle introduction’. (

Chambert T. & Miller, D.A.W. Implementation of false positive models in program E-SURGE.


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