Ana Rodrigues' students & postdocs

List of students, postdocs and other young researchers supervised by Ana RODRIGUES (since 2009)


Filipe CABREIRINHA SERRANO (2024-2025)
Postdoctoral visitor, University of São Paulo, Brazil

The geometry of decline: testing the abundant-center hypothesis for spatial and temporal trends of abundance of Neotropical herpetofauna

laura cardador

Laura CARDADOR (2016)
Postdoctoral visitor, ParrotNet COST Action

Contrasting spatio-temporal trends and climatic niche dynamics of the rose-ringed parakeet across Europe.

Current website


Sophie MONSARRAT (2015)
Post-doctorante, IRD UMR MARBEC - CNRS UMR CEFE 

Impact de l'Homme sur la distribution et l'abondance des mammifères marins à l'échelle globale (Projet ANR MORSE).

Current website

PhD students

Léo STREITH  (2024-2027)
Université de Montpellier

Understanding the sensitivity and resilience of bird species to human pressures.


Etienne HENRY (2023-2026)
Université de Montpellier

Mobilising tracking data on African-Eurasian migratory birds to support conservation at the flyway scale. Co-supervisor: Ines Catry (CIBIO-Univ of Porto). Project in collaboration with BirdLife International.


Marie-Morgane ROUYER (2021-present)
Université de Montpellier

Efficacité des Aires Marines Protégées à conserver les oiseaux marins. Co-supervisors: Maria Dias (Univ of Lisbon), Tammy Davies (BirdLife International) & Nina Bhola (UNEP-WCMC)

FilipaSoares MAD

Filipa COUTINHO SOARES (2020-2023)
PhD student at University of Lisbon, Portugal

Effects of bird extinctions and introductions on the functional and taxonomic diversity of oceanic islands.


João LOPES GUILHERME (2018-2022)
University of Montpellier

Understanding declines of Afro-Palearctic migratory birds. Université de Montpellier. Co-supervisors: Vicky Jones (BirdLife International, UK), Inês Catry (ISA, Portugal)


Victor CAZALIS (2017-2020)
Université de Montpellier

Efficacité des aires protégées : la pierre angulaire de la conservation de la biodiversité permet-elle réellement de protéger la nature ?

Current website
JoeKELLY cropped

Joseph KELLY (2018-2019)
Université de Montpellier

The effectiveness of protected areas at avoiding species extinctions - part of the Inspire4Nature training network. Co-supervisors: Stu Butchart (BirdLife International), Nina Bhola (UNEP-WCMC)


Anne-Sophie BONNET-LEBRUN (2014-2018)
University of Cambridge, UK

Intraspecific variation in environmental and geographic space use: insights from individual movement data. Co-supervisor: Andrea MANICA (Univ. Cambridge)

Current website


Sophie MONSARRAT (2012-2015)
Université Montpellier II

Reconstruction of marine mammal’s historical distribution and abundance: setting a baseline to understand the past, inform the present and plan the future (Projet ANR MORSE). Co-supervisor: Francesco Bonadonna

Current website


Marius SOMVEILLE (2011-2015)
University of Cambridge, UK

The Global Ecology of Bird Migration: Patterns and Processes. Co-supervisor Andrea MANICA (Univ. Cambridge)

Current website

Master students

Léo STREITH (2024)
ENS Lyon

Stage césure: Sensibilité des espèces d'oiseaux aux pressions anthropiques


Amaury THEPAULT (2023)
Université Paris-Saclay

Stage M2: Modeling competition between whales and seabirds in a historical context, in the Greenland Sea. Co-supervisor: David GREMILLET

IoannisKalaitzakis MAD

Ioannis KALAITZAKIS (2023)
Université Côte d'Azur, Nice

Stage M2: Bridging the land-sea interface in seabird conservation. Co-supervisor: Marie-Morgane ROUYER


Célian MONCHY (2022)
Université de Lyon 1

Stage M2: Comprendre la composition des communautés d'oiseaux urbains.


Etienne HENRY (2021)
M1, ENS-Univ Paris-Saclay

Contraste entre la distribution spatial de la biodiversité et la distribution spatiale des connaissances. Co-supervisor: Marie-Morgane ROUYER.


Loïse HUOT (2020)
Stage M1, Université de Rennes 1

Évaluation de l'efficacité relative des aires protégées urbaines pour la conservation de l'avifaune en Amérique latine. Main supervisor: Victor CAZALIS


Alice BERNARD (2019)
M2, Université de Strasbourg

Quelles espèces d’oiseaux marins devons-nous étudier ? Une évaluation globale des suivis par appareil électronique pour la conservation des oiseaux marins. Co-supervisor: David Gremillet.


Aminetou CIRÉ (2019)
M1, Sorbonne Université, Paris 6

Quelles caractéristiques naturelles du paysage influencent les habitants à adopter des comportements pro-environnementaux en France ?

Main supervisor: Victor CAZALIS

Theo DAON (2018)
Stagiaire M1, Université de Rennes 1

Les aires protégées européennes sont-elles efficaces pour protéger les papillons de jour? Main supervisor: Victor CAZALIS

Soumaya Belghali small

Soumaya BELGHALI (2017)
M2 EBE Paris

Protected areas as biodiversity benchmarks: North American birds as a case study. Co-supervisor Anne CHARPENTIER


Anne-Sophie BONNET-LEBRUN (2013)
M2 EBE Paris + stage césure ENS

The temporal dynamics of phylogenetic tree shape in neutral community models. Co-supervisor: Andrea MANICA (Univ. Cambridge)

Current website

Laureline CHABRAN  (2013)
Stage césure, Université de Montpellier 2

Impact humain sur les populations de phoques dans les iles des mers du sud.
Co-supervisor: Sophie Monsarrat

Laura PINILLOS (2013)
M2 Master EBE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)

The shifting baseline of the diversity and abundance of marine mammals in South America and the Caribbean.

Co-supervisor: Sophie MONSARRAT

Christel VIDALLER (2013, 2014)
M2 Université de Montpellier 2 + Vacataire

The impact of human exploitation on the global distribution, abundance and behaviour of the Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus.

Co-supervisor: Sophie MONSARRAT

Fanny GASCUEL (2012)
M2, Master EBE, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon / Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)

Modéliser les motifs de biodiversité dans des systèmes insulaires.

Co-supervisor: Fabien LAROCHE


Isabelle MARECHAUX (2012)
M2, Master EBE, Ingénieure-élève du Corps des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts

From thinking globally to acting locally: how to make the best use of available data in identifying priorities for biodiversity conservation?

Co-supervisor: Anne CHARPENTIER


Marius SOMVEILLE (2011)
M2, Master EBE (Paris)

Effect of seasonality on the biogeography of bird migrations. Co-supervisor Andrea MANICA (Univ. Cambridge)

Current website
Sandra Nussbaoum

Sandra NUSSMBAUM (2010)
M2, Master EBE (Paris)

Effect of local marine mammal extinctions on global biodiversity patterns. 

Soizic LeSaout

Soizic LE SAOUT (2010)
M2, Master EBE (Paris) & AgroParisTech

The role of protected areas in preventing global species extinctions. 

Other young researchers 

Marie-Morgane ROUYER (2020-2021)
MCMA early-stage research fellow

The effectiveness of protected areas at conserving biodiversity - part of the Inspire4Nature training network.

Co-supervisors: Maria Dias (BirdLife International), Nina Bhola (UNEP-WCMC)

Morgane OLIVIER  (2013)

L’impact de l’exploitation humaine sur la distribution des mammifères marins en Asie de l’Est. Co-supervisor: Sophie MONSARRAT



Université de Montpellier

Thèse soutenue le 09/11/2020

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Etage 3, aile C, bureau 306

Project: How much difference are Protected Areas making to the conservation of biodiversity?

Supervisor: Ana RODRIGUES

My PhD aims to understand the effectiveness of protected areas in conserving biodiversity, using bird monitoring datasets. Comparing spatially biodiversity inside and outside protected areas, I wish to understand which biodiversity metrics (abundance, richness, specialisation, rarity index, endemism...) are affected by the presence of protected areas across the globe and how.


*** This page has not been updated since November 2020.

Please visit my personal webpage instead: ***


Read more: Victor CAZALIS

Benedikt GEHR

Post-doctorant BenediktGEHR

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Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5

Supervisor: Simon Chamaillé-Jammes


Doctorante / PhD StudentAgatheChassagneux

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Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5

Projet: Réponse spatiale à la chasse des ongulés

Directeur: Simon Chamaillé-Jammes & ONCFS