Nicolas Courbin
- Published: 22 January 2016
Chercheur postdoctoral / Postdoctoral researcher
J'étudie les mécanismes de la répartition spatiale des grands herbivores, des grands carnivores et des oiseaux marins dans le but d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les interactions prédateur-proies (jeu spatial prédateur-proie, stratégie d'alimentation, stratégie de recherche des prédateurs, stratégie anti-prédatrice des proies) et d'améliorer les mesures de gestion et de conservation de la faune.
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CEFE UMR 5175Campus du CNRS1919 route de Mende34293 Montpellier cedex 5Tél : +33(0)4 67 61 33 11
Research interests
Movement ecology: animal-habitat relationships, habitat selection, space use.
Predator-prey interactions: predator-prey space game, landscape of fear, predator search strategy.
Habitat connectivity: spatial network, graph theory, resource accessibility.
Population dynamics.
Human-induced changes in animal behaviour and population, biological conservation, management implications.
Statistical and geostatistical modelling.
Current postdoc project
2015 - present Postdoctoral researcher, Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, CNRS (Montpellier, France). Linking prey distribution and abundance, foraging behaviour and population dynamics in the Scopoli's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) population of archipelagos of Marseille (France). Supervised by Dr. David Grémillet (CEFE) and Dr. Aurélien Besnard (EPHE).
Past research experience
2013 - 2015 Postdoctoral researcher, Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, CNRS (Montpellier, France) and WildCRU, Oxford University (England). Interactions between lions (Panthera leo) and zebras (Equus quagga) in a semi-arid woodland savannah (Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe). Supervised by Dr. Simon Chamaillé-Jammes (CEFE) and Prof. David Macdonald (WildCRU) and Dr. Andrew Loveridge (WildCRU).
I studied the habitat selection patterns of lions and zebras and their spatial interactions around artifical pumped waterholes. More specifically, I assessed the spatially reactive responses of zebras after an encounter with lions and how zebras altered their fine-scale habitat selection and their spatial distribution to decrease risk. I also focused my research on the day/night changes in zebra behaviour and how these changes can decrease their predation risk by lions.
2013 - Postdoctoral researcher, Université Laval (Québec, Canada). Plastic response of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in their winter habitat selection. Supervised by Prof. Steeve D Côté and Dr. Christian Dussault.
2006 - 2013 PhD in behavioral ecology, Université Laval (Québec, Canada). Interactions between gray wolf (Canis lupus), forest-dwelling caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and moose (Alces alces) in managed boreal forest. Supervised by Prof. Daniel Fortin and Dr. Christian Dussault.
2005 - Master in marine ecology / oceanography, Université de la Méditerranée (Marseille, France).
In prep
Fortin D., P.-L. Buono, N. Courbin, M.-C. Labbé, M. Basille, C. Dussault and J.D. Forester. In prep. Spatial game between gray wolves, caribou and moose in the boreal forest.
Périquet S, Courbin N, Chamaillé-Jammes S, Banda E, Loveridge AJ, Macdonald DW, Revilla E, Fritz H and Valeix M. In prep. Dangerous attraction? The potential for intraguild interactions to influence apex carnivore habitat selection.
Peer-reviewed articles
13. Courbin N, Besnard A, Péron C, Authier M, Saraux C, Fort J, Perret S, Tornos J and Grémillet D. Submitted. Short-term prey field lability constrains individual resource specialization and foraging site fidelity in a marine predator.
12. Amélineau F, Fort J, Mathewson PD, Speirs DC, Courbin N, Perret S, Porter WP, Wilson RJ and Grémillet D. Submitted. Energyscapes and prey fields shape a North Atlantic seabird wintering hotspot under climate change.
11. Valls-Fox H, Chamaillé-Jammes S, de Garine-Wichatitsky M, Perrotton A, Courbin N, Miguel E, Guerbois C, Caron A, Loveridge AJ, Stapelkamp B, Muzamba M, Fritz H. Submitted. Surface water availability and cattle herding shape the human-wildlife interface at the edge of a protected area.
10. Courbin N, Loveridge AJ, Fritz H, Macdonald DW, Patin R, Valeix M and Chamaillé-Jammes S. 2017. Zebra diel migrations reduce encounter risk with lions over selection for safe habitats. Preprint on bioRxiv
9. Courbin N, Dussault C, Veillette A, Giroux M-A and Côté SD. 2017. Coping with strong variations in winter severity: plastic habitat selection of deer at high density. Behavioral Ecology, doi:10.1093/beheco/arx062
8. Courbin N, Loveridge AJ, Macdonald DW, Fritz H, Valeix M, Makuwe E and Chamaillé-Jammes S. 2016. Reactive responses of zebras to lion encounters shape their predator-prey space game at large scale. Oikos, 125:829-838.
7. Fortin D, Buono PL, Schmitz O, Courbin N, Losier C, St-Laurent M-H, Drapeau P, Heppell S, Dussault C and Mainguy J. 2015. A spatial theory for characterizing predator-multiprey interactions in spatially structured landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282:20150973
6. Courbin N, Fortin D, Dussault C and Courtois R. 2014. Forestry-induced changes in habitat network connectivity shape behavioral interactions in the wolf-caribou-moose system. Ecological Monographs, 84:265-285.
5. Courbin N, Fortin D, Dussault C, Fargeot V and Courtois R. 2013. Multi-trophic resource selection function enlightens the behavioural game between wolves and their prey. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82:1062-1071.
4. Fortin D, Buono P-L, Fortin A, Courbin N, Tye Gingras C, Moorcroft PR, Courtois R and Dussault C. 2013. Movement responses of caribou to human-induced habitat edges lead to their aggregation near anthropogenic features. The American Naturalist, 181:827-836.
3. Duchesne T, Fortin D and Courbin N. 2010. Mixed conditional logistic regression for habitat selection studies. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79:548-555.
2. Courbin N, Fortin D, Dussault C and Courtois R. 2009. Landscape management for woodland caribou: the protection of forest blocks influences wolf-caribou co-occurrences. Landscape Ecology, 24:1375-1388.
1. Courbin N, Fablet R, Mellon C and de Pontual H. 2007. Are hake otolith macrostructures randomly deposited? Insights from an unsupervised statistical and quantitative approach applied to Mediterranean hake otoliths. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64:1191-1201.
Book chapters
Fortin D., C. Hébert, J.-P. Légaré, N. Courbin, K. Swiston, J. Hodson, M.-L. Leblanc, C. Dussault, D. Pothier, J.-C. Ruel and S. Couturier. 2011. Partial harvesting in old-growth boreal forests and the preservation of animal diversity from ants to woodland caribou. In Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Conservation, eds. E. B. Wallace, pp 115-136. Nova Science Publishers, New York, NY, USA.
Fortin D., K. Dancose, N. Courbin, L. Harvey, J.-S. Babin, S. Courant, J. F. Wilmshurst and D. Frandsen. 2010. The use of ecological theory to guide bison management. In European bison conservation in Białowieża Forest, eds. R. Kowalczyk, D. Ławreszuk, and J. M. Wójcik, pp 201-210. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Białowieża, Poland.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois.2011. Considérations multi-trophiques pour une meilleure stratégie de conservation du caribou - Étude des relations loup-caribou sur la Côte-Nord. In Actes du colloque «le caribou forestier : un enjeu de biodiversité et de développement durable», pp 111-113. Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Chicoutimi (Québec, Canada).
Fortin D., P.-L. Buono, A. Fortin, N. Courbin, C. T. Gingras, P. R. Moorcroft, R. Courtois and C. Dussault.2011. Sélection de l’habitat hivernal du caribou forestier à l’échelle provincial. In Actes du colloque «le caribou forestier : un enjeu de biodiversité et de développement durable», pp 31-33. Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Chicoutimi (Québec, Canada).
Thesis and Dissertations
Courbin N. 2013. Interactions entre le loup gris, le caribou forestier et l'orignal en forêt boréale aménagée (Interactions between gray wolf, forest-dwelling caribou and moose in managed boreal forest). Ph.D. Thesis, Université Laval, Québec (Québec, Canada).
Courbin N. 2005. Méthodes d'analyse quantitative des signaux structuraux sur les otolithes. Applications aux merlus du golfe du Lion (Quantitative analysis approaches for structural signals on otoliths. Applications to Mediterranean hake). Master’s (degree 2) dissertation. Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille (France).
Courbin N. 2004. Destinations et modalités de la dispersion des jeunes goélands leucophées (Larus Michahellis) nés dans le Languedoc-Roussillon (Destinations and dispersion of young yellow-legged gulls (Larus Michahellis) from Languedoc-Roussillon). Master’s (degree 1) dissertation. Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille (France).
Popularization articles
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault, R. Courtois and O. Bichet. 2013. Les changements de la connectivité de l’habitat du caribou forestier suite à la coupe forestière influencent les interactions loup-caribou-orignal.Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune, Bulletin d’information 21.
Fortin D., P.-L Buono, A. Fortin, N. Courbin, C.T. Gingras, P.R. Moorcroft, R. Courtois, C. Dussault and A. Allard-Duchene. 2013. Comment l’effet de lisière lié aux perturbations anthropiques modifie-t-il la répartition des populations du caribou forestier? Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune, Bulletin d’information 20.
Basille M., R. Courtois, G. Bastille-Rousseau, N. Courbin, G. Faille, C. Dussault, J.-P. Ouellet and D. Fortin. 2011. Direct and indirect effects of boreal forest management on the forest-dwelling caribou in Québec. Le Naturaliste Canadien, 135:46-52.
Fortin D., C. Hébert, J.-P. Légaré, N. Courbin, K. Swiston, J. Hodson, M.-L. Leblanc, C. Dussault, D. Pothier, J.-C. Ruel, S. Couturier and A. Allard-Duchene. 2011. La cpptm appliquée en forêt boréale permet-elle de conserver la biodiversité animale? Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune, Bulletin d’information 14:2.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2009. Des espions au service de la conservation. Le Couvert Boréal, 5:33.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2008. Les blocs de protection: la voie des caribous... et de loups! Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune, Bulletin d’information 10.
Courbin N, Besnard A, Péron C, Saraux C, Authier M, Fort J and Grémillet D. 2017. Short-term prey field lability constrains individual resource specialization and foraging site fidelity in a marine predator. 6th International Bio-Logging Science Symposium, Konstanz (Germany), 25-29 September 2017.
Courbin N, Besnard A, Péron C, Saraux C, Authier M, Fort J and Grémillet D. 2016. A brief history of specialization of individual foraging and feeding strategies of Scopoli shearwaters in the Gulf of Lion and their reproductive outcomes. Sfécologie 2016, International Conference of Ecological Science, Marseille (France), 24-27 October 2016.
Courbin N, Besnard A, Péron C, Saraux C, Fort J and Grémillet D. 2016. A brief history of individual foraging strategies of Scopoli shearwaters in the Gulf of Lion and their reproductive outcomes. 6th International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Barcelona (Spain), 19-23 September 2016.
Fortin D., P.-L. Buono, O. Schmitz, N. Courbin, C. Losier, M.H. St-Laurent, P. Drapeau, S. Heppell, C. Dussault, V. Brodeur and J. Mainguy. 2016. Spatial interaction between wolf, caribou and moose in harvested boreal forest. Gordon Research Conferences - Predator-prey interactions, Ventura (California, USA), 24-29 January 2016.
Courbin N., S. Chamaillé-Jammes, A.J. Loveridge, D.W. Macdonald, M. Valeix, H. Fritz et R. Patin. 2014. Stratégie d'évitement des lions par les zèbres: comportements proactifs et réactifs. Journée thématique "Déplacement animal", CEFE-CNRS, Montpellier (France), 25 Septembre 2015.
Fortin D., P.-L. Buono, O. Schmitz, N. Courbin, C. Losier, M.H. St-Laurent, P. Drapeau, S. Heppell, C. Dussault, V. Brodeur and J. Mainguy. 2015. Species-specific habitat selection by apparent competitors can reverse density dependence in fitness correlates. 10th annual meeting of Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan, Canada), 22 May 2015.
Chamaillé-Jammes S., N. Courbin, A.J. Loveridge, D.W. Macdonald, H. Fritz and E.T. Makuwe. 2015. Reactive responses of zebras to lion encounters shape their predator-prey space game at large scale. 13th Annual Savanna Science Networking Meeting, Skukuza (South Africa), 8-12 March 2015.
Courbin N., A.J. Loveridge, D.W. Macdonald, H. Fritz, M. Valeix, E.T. Makuwe and S. Chamaillé-Jammes. 2014. Zebra flights after an encounter with lions shape the lion-zebra spatial game in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. BES-SFE Joint 2014 Annual Meeting, Lille (France), 9-12 December 2014.
Fortin D., P.-L. Buono, N. Courbin, M.-C. Labbé, M. Basille, C. Dussault and J.D. Forester. 2014. Spatial game between gray wolves, caribou and moose in the boreal forest. 99th Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Sacramento (California, USA), 10-15 August 2014.
Courbin N. and S. Chamaillé-Jammes. 2014. Interactions lion-zèbre dans le Parc National de Hwange, Zimbabwe. Journée du département Biodiversité & Conservation - CNRS, Montpellier (France), 11 April 2014.
Courbin N. and S. Chamaillé-Jammes. 2014. Lion-zebra interactions in Hwange National Park. Strengthening the existing collaboration between the CNRS Zone Atelier of Hwange and the Wildlife Conservation Reasearch Unit of Oxford University, Workshop CNRS-WildCRU, Montpellier (France), 26-28 February 2014.
Courbin N. 2013. Connectivité de l’habitat et interactions entre le loup gris, le caribou forestier et l’orignal en forêt boréale aménagée. Invited speaker at CEFE - CNRS, Montpellier (France), 23 September 2013.
Fortin D., P.-L. Buono, A. Fortin, N. Courbin, P. Moorcroft, R. Courtois and C. Dussault. 2012. Influence des coupes forestières et des routes sur la répartition du caribou et ses interactions avec le loup. Colloque 2012 de la Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune, Les Escoumins (Québec, Canada), 24 May 2012.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2010. Considérations multi-trophiques pour une meilleure stratégie de conservation du caribou forestier. Etudes des relations loup-caribou sur la Côte Nord. Colloque Le Caribou Forestier : Un enjeu de biodiversité et de développement durable, Saguenay (Québec, Canada), 16-18 November 2010
Fortin D., P.-L. Buono, A. Fortin, N. Courbin, P. Moorcroft, R. Courtois and C. Dussault. 2010. Sélection de l’habitat hivernal à l’échelle provinciale. Colloque Le Caribou Forestier : Un enjeu de biodiversité et de développement durable, Saguenay (Québec, Canada), 16-18 November 2010.
Courbin N., V. Fargeot, D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2010. Wolf-prey encounter risk: a point of view. Ecologie 2010, Montpellier (France), 2-4 September 2010.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2010. Impacts of landscape connectivity modifications on predator-prey relationships clarified by graph theory. 5th annual meeting of Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Québec (Québec, Canada), 9-12 May 2010.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2010. Liens entre la connectivité de l’habitat des cervidés et les relations loup-cervidés en forêt boréale aménagée. Colloque 2010 de la Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune, Baie-Comeau (Québec, Canada), 15 April 2010.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2009. Modifications of caribou and moose habitat connectivity in managed forest : a graph theory approach. 34e Congrès annuel de la Société Québécoise pour l'Étude Biologique du Comportement, Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada), 13-14 November 2009.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2009. Caribou and moose habitat connectivity in managed forest based on graph theory. 3e Colloque annuel du Centre d'Étude de la Forêt, Gatineau (Québec, Canada), 19-20 April 2009.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2009. Effet de l’aménagement de l’habitat du caribou forestier sur les interactions loup-caribou. Invited speaker in Colloque “Adik, Le Caribou”, Val d'Or (Québec, Canada), 26 February 2009.
Courbin N., R. Courtois, A. Sebbane, A. Gingras, B. Rochette, L. Breton and D. Fortin. 2009. Efficacité d'un plan d'aménagement pour le caribou forestier. Invited speaker in Colloque “Adik, Le Caribou”, Val d'Or (Québec, Canada), 26 February 2009.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2008. Management of caribou habitat – Role of protected forest blocks on wolf-caribou interactions. International Colloque of Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune, Baie-Comeau (Québec, Canada), 6-9 October 2008.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2008. Habitat management for caribou – Protected forest blocks: a paradise for caribou? 2e Colloque annuel du Centre d'Étude de la Forêt, Québec (Québec, Canada), 12-14 March 2008.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2007. Management of forest-dwelling caribou habitat : are protected blocks caribou heaven? 32e Congrès annuel de la Société Québécoise pour l'Étude Biologique du Comportement, Québec (Québec, Canada), 2-3 November 2007.
Courbin N., D. Fortin, C. Dussault and R. Courtois. 2007. Influence des pratiques forestières sur la sélection d’habitat de l’orignal. Colloque 2007 de la Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune, Baie-Comeau (Québec, Canada), 12 April 2007.